Sport Business Management
The assessment for this module is comprised of two tasks.
TASK 2: (75% of module mark)
Select an article published 2009-2013, from one of the following journals:
• European Journal of Sport Management;
• European Sport Management Quarterly;
• Journal of Sport and Tourism;
• Journal of Sport Management;
• Leisure Studies;
• Managing Leisure;
• Sport in Society.
Critically review your chosen article and analyse its contribution to knowledge and understanding in Sport Business Management
1. The word limit is 2500 words.
2. You must select a different article to Task 1
3. Work that is more than 10% over this word count will be penalised by 10% of the available marks, i.e. you would lose 10 marks on this assessment task.
4. The list of references at the end of the essay is excluded from the word count.
5. This assignment should be completed in standard essay format.
6. Please note the University regulations on plagiarism available on SHUspace.