special education
Mainstream Plan
Scenario: Your school administrator has met with you to inform you that in two weeks you will be receiving two students as part of a full inclusion pilot program. Both students have been in self-contained special education classrooms with limited mainstreaming. How will you prepare your class? Create a plan of action to prepare your students. (you may select any disability type(s) for this activity.)
special education

special Education

Program Observation Report (25 points) Candidates will be required to visit two different classroom settings that include students. One setting must be for young children between the ages of birth and 2 years. Any program serving students with an IFSP is appropriate for this observation even if it is observing and early interventionist in a home visit. The other setting must be for young children between the ages of 3 and pre-k with IEPs. A complete assignment description and scoring rubric is available in the Assignments section of BB.