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SPE 521 – Tentative Course Schedule

SPE 521 – Tentative Course Schedule

•    All assignments are due by 11:59 pm (Arizona time) on the dates specified in the Graded Assignments column.
•    Please see the ASU Academic Calendar for important University due dates
at: https://students.asu.edu/academic-calendar

Lesson    Readings and Viewings    Assignments
Lesson 1: What are Autism Spectrum Disorders?

Wed. 10/14 –
Tues. 10/20

A Practical Guide to Autism
•    Chapter 1: What is Autism?
•    Chapter 2: What Causes Autism?

•    Experience Empathy — Watch What It Can Be Like To Live With Autism

•    People First Language

Autism Training Solutions (ATS)
•    Intro to Autism (1 hour) & Intro to Aspergers (1 hour) in the Autism Spectrum Disorders Series. Begin in Lesson 1 and complete both trainings by the end of Lesson 2

Supplemental Reading
•    DSM-5: Autism Spectrum Disorders

•    Review the PowerPoint on developing interview questions.

•    Review the Major Assignments section and all Assignment Descriptions.
•    Post an Introduction on your group Introductions Discussion. DUE 10/20

•    Log on to Digication (asu.digication.com) and use the SPE 521 Digication ePortfolio Template to create your SPE521 ePortfolio. DUE 10/20

•    Begin the ATS chapters:
– Intro to Autism
– Intro to Aspergers

•    Select and sign up for your research paper topic on the “Topic Sign Up” Discussion Page. DUE 10/20

Lesson 2: Impact of ASD: Who Needs to be Involved?

Wed. 10/21 – Tues. 10/27    A Practical Guide to Autism: (Read at least two chapters from the following)
•    Chapter 3: Getting a Diagnosis
•    Chapter 4: Getting Services
•    Chapter 19: Managing sibling and family issues

•    Video: Working in Groups http://learningcommons.ubc.ca/student-toolkits-2/working-in-groups/

Supplemental Reading (Each member of your discussion team should pick a different reading).
•    Parent: Milshtein, S., Yirmiya, N., Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., & Levi, S. (2010). Resolution of the diagnosis among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: Associations with child and parent characteristics. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 89-99.

•    Teacher: Bruening, D. (2011). Translating assessment results into intervention plans. In McCoy (Ed.). Autism from the Teacher’s Perspective. Love Publishing Co, Denver, CO.

•    Interventionist: Elfert, M., & Mirenda, P. (2006). The experiences of behavior interventionists who work with children with autism in families’ homes. Autism, 10(6), 577-591.

•    School Psychologist: Caterino, L., & Mahoney, J. (2011). Evidence-based procedures for the assessment of children with autism. In McCoy (Ed.) Autism from the Teacher’s Perspective. Love Publishing Co., Denver, CO.

•    Speech Language Pathologist:  Farnsworth Diehl, S. (2003). The SLP’s role in collaborative assessment and intervention for children with ASD. Topics in Language Disorders, 23(2), 95-115.

•    Team Discussion Summary 1. DUE 10/27

•    Identify the individual you plan to interview for the Interview Assignment, and share your proposed interview questions with your discussion team for feedback. DUE 10/27

•    Complete ATS Certifications on
-Intro to Autism
-Intro to Aspergers (2 certificates). DUE 10/27

•    Submit to your ePortfolio: Team Discussion Summary 1 and both ATS certificates. DUE 10/27

Lesson 3: How to Evaluate Research: Especially Research Related to ASD

Wed. 10/28 – Tues. 11/3    A Practical Guide to Autism
(Read at least 1 chapter)
•    Chapter 5: Overview of educational programs
•    Chapter 6: Educational interventions

•    Critically evaluating research literature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Glcwp01Z8kCI
•    Internet Skills 1: How to evaluate a website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UuShwtYpGg
•    Empirical articles tutorial http://www.asu.edu/lib/tutorials/empirical/

Supplemental Readings
(Each member of your team should also pick one different reading from the following:)
•    Reichow, B., Volkmar, F., & Cicchetti, D. (2008). Development of the evaluative method for evaluating and determining evidence-based practices in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1311-1319.
•    Detrich, R. (2008). Evidence-based, empirically supported, or best practice? A guide for the scientist-practitioner. In J. Luiselli, D. Russo, W. Christian, & S. Wilczynski (Eds.) Effective Practices for Children with Autism. Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
•    Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guide to Evidence-Based Interventions (read Chapter 3, specifically, but the rest is a good resource)
•    Web tools (up to two people can review these for info and resources are available at each site):
o    Web tools to evaluate literature:
o    National Autism Center


o    Association for Science in Autism Treatment: http://www.asatonline.org/for-parents/learn-more-about-specific-treatments/
o    Sense about science: http://www.senseaboutscience.org/pages/peer-review.html
•    Team Discussion 2. DUE 11/3

•    Article Review 1. DUE 11/3

•    Submit Team Discussion summary 2 and Article Review 1 to your ePortfolio. DUE 11/3

Lesson 4: Health and Safety

Wed. 11/4 – Tues. 11/10    A Practical Guide to Autism  (Read at least one chapter related to your interests)
•    Chapter 10: Managing medical issues and problems
•    Chapter 11: Ensuring safety
•    Chapter 12: Dealing with seizures
•    Chapter 17: Managing sleep and sleep problems

•    Autism Safety for First Responders and Parents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxqBss9QoxY

Supplemental Reading (Read at least one of the following:)
•    Dixon, D., Bergstrom, R., Smith, M., & Tarbox, J. (2010). A review of research on procedures for teaching safety skills to persons with developmental disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31, 985-994.

•    Golnik, A., Maccabee-Ryaboy, N., Scal, P., Wey, A., & Gaillard, P. (2012). Shared Decision Making: Improving Care for Children with Autism. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 50(4), 322-331.

•    Self, T., Scudder, R., Webeba, G., & Crumrine, D. (2007). A virtual approach to teaching safety skills to children with autism spectrum disorders. Topics in Language Disorders, 27(3), 242-253.

•    Interview Assignment. DUE 11/10

•    Submit a copy of your interview assignment to your ePortfolio. DUE 11/10

Lesson 5: Different Needs at Different Ages

Thur. 11/12 – Wed. 11/18


Veteran’s Day holiday
Wed. 11/11    A Practical Guide to Autism: (Read at least one chapter related to your interests)
•    Chapter 7: Working with young children
•    Chapter 8: Working with school-aged children
•    Chapter 9: Adolescence, adulthood, and the future

Autism Training Solutions (ATS)
•    Begin Instructional Control certificate program (within the behavioral interventions series tab) which will be due in Lesson 7 (2 hours)

Supplemental Reading
(Each member of your discussion team should also pick one different reading from the following:)
•    Kishida, Y. & Kemp, C. (2009). The Engagement and Interaction of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Segregated and Inclusive Early Childhood Center-Based Settings. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 29(2), 105-118.

•    Brown, H., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Hunter, D., Kelley, E., & Cobigo, V. (2012). Unmet Needs of Families of School-Aged Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 25(6), 497-508.

•    Kurth, J., & Mastergeorge, A. (2012). Impact of Setting and Instructional Context for Adolescents with Autism. Journal of Special Education, 46(1), 36-48.

•    Eaves, L., & Ho, H. (2008). Young Adult Outcome of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(4), 739-747.

•    Byers, S., Nichols, S., Voyer, S., Reilly, G., (2013). Sexual Well-Being of a Community Sample of High-Functioning Adults on the Autism Spectrum Who Have Been in a Romantic Relationship.  Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 17(4), 418-433.
•    Team Discussion 3. DUE 11/17

•    Submit the Team Discussion Summary 3, and Article Review 2 to your ePortfolio. DUE 11/17

Lesson 6: Handling Challenging Behavior

Thur. 11/19 – Wed. 11/25

Thanksgiving holiday:
Thurs. 11/26 –
Fri. 11/27
A Practical Guide to Autism: (Read at least one chapter related to your interests)
•    Chapter 13: Dealing with regression
•    Chapter 14: Dealing with behavior problems
•    Chapter 15: Considering medications for behavior problems

Autism Training Solutions (ATS)
•    Continue Instructional Control certificate program (within the behavioral interventions series tab) which will be due in Lesson 7.

Supplemental Reading (Read at least one of the following according to your interests:)
•    Gray, K., Keating, C., Taffe, J., Brereton, A., Einfeld, S., & Tonge, B. (2012).Trajectory of behavior and emotional problems in autism. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 117(2), 121-133.

•    Park, C., Yelland, G., Taffe, J., & Gray, K. (2012). Brief Report: The Relationship between Language Skills, Adaptive Behavior, and Emotional and Behavior Problems in Pre-Schoolers with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(12), 2761-2766.

•    Reed, P., & Osborne, L. (2013). The role of parenting stress in discrepancies between parent and teacher ratings of behavior problems in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(2), 471-477.

•    Research Paper. DUE 11/24

•    Submit a copy of your research paper to your ePortfolio. DUE 11/24

Lesson 7: Sensory Issues, Complementary, and Alternative Treatments

Sat. 11/28 –
Fri. 12/4

A Practical Guide to Autism
•    Chapter 16: Managing sensory issues
•    Chapter 18: Considering complementary and alternative treatments

•    High functioning autism and sensory issues – Diana’s world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnEJeH6lP8M

Supplemental Reading (Each member of your discussion team should read one of the following:)
•    Christon, L., Mackintosh, V., & Myers, B. (2010). Use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments by parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4, 249-259.

•    Schaaf, R. (2011). Interventions that address sensory dysfunction for individuals with autism spectrum disorders: Preliminary evidence for the superiority of sensory integration compared to other sensory approaches. In B. Reichow et al. (eds.), Evidence-Based Practices and Treatments for Children with Autism, Springer, New York, NY.

•    Hyman, S., & Levy, S. (2011). Dietary, complementary and alternative therapies. In B. Reichow et al. (eds.), Evidence-Based Practices and Treatments for Children with Autism, Springer, New York, NY.

•    Boyd, B. & Wakeford, L. (2013). Repetitive behaviors and sensory features: Evidence-based intervention strategies. In S. Goldstein, J.A. Naglieri (eds.), Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Springer, New York, NY.

•    Lane, A., Young, R., Baker, A., & Angley, M. (2010). Sensory processing subtypes in autism: association with adaptive behavior. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(1), 112-122.

•    Team Discussion 4. DUE 12/4

•    Complete the ATS certificate on Instructional Control. DUE 12/4

•    Submit the team discussion summary 4, ATS certificate on instructional control, and any missing assignments from the course to your ePortfolio. DUE 12/4

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