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SophoclesDescriptionwrite a short essay on one of the topics below by citing at least the primary source with a correct work cited page (see owl. com/ Writers Edge for guides on writing a work cited entry of a piece from an anthology).
Be sure to read the statement in the Syllabus about plagiarism and citing the exact words with correct parenthetical format from the primary text (the work itself). If you choose, you can also have up to two (2) secondary sources, but you must cite them correctly as well and also put them in the correct order and format for the Work Cited page.
Be sure, too, to review the file on the essay review (title, intro with thesis/ ots, two to five (2-5) body paragraphs, conclusion) and you must adhere to no more than ten (10) total compositional errors.
The Topics: Choose One
1. What does Oedipus learn about the difference between knowledge and wisdom?
2. How does Sophocles use the idea of sight or blindness ironically?
3. What is the meaning to current readers about the last caution of the chorus?
4. In what ways does todays media act as a kind of chorus for todays events (comparison/ contrast)?PLEASE ADD A FEW PRIMARY(work itself) CITATIONS/sourcesLearning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate familiarity with literary periods and their legacy of important ideas.
2. Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical and cultural events, and characteristic perspectives and attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of literary works as expressions of individual and human values within the social, political, cultural, and religious contexts of different literary periods.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of major genres and forms of literature.
5. Understand the development of characteristic forms and styles of expression during different historical periods and in different regions.
6. Develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
7. Analyze and synthesize aesthetic, historical, formal, and ideological approaches to interpreting literature through class discussion, presentations, written assignments, and exams.
8. Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.
9. Produce critical essays about the assigned readings that support a debatable thesis, that use primary and secondary sources, that cite those sources according to MLA style, that express ideas in clear and grammatically correct prose, and that are free of plagiarism.
Grading Rubric:
essay format (see essay review file); pertinence of response to topic; clarify of argument/ thesis with support; use of quoted material and parenthetical documentation for primary and secondary sources as needed (see Short Review of Parenthetical Documentation file); no more than ten compositional/ research method errors for any credit.
Each error will be penalized two points, including errors in composition, punctuation, grammar, and research skills.
An assignment submitted without following MLA Revised format will be penalized one credit. An assignment submitted with plagiarism will be given zero credits. No revision.

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write a short essay on one of the topics below by citing at least the primary source with a correct work cited page (see owl. com/ Writer’s Edge for guides on writing a work cited entry of a piece from an anthology).
Be sure to read the statement in the Syllabus about plagiarism and citing the exact words with correct parenthetical format from the primary text (the work itself).  If you choose, you can also have up to two (2) secondary sources, but you must cite them correctly as well and also put them in the correct order and format for the Work Cited page.
Be sure, too, to review the file on the essay review (title, intro with thesis/ ots, two to five (2-5)  body paragraphs, conclusion) and you must adhere to no more than ten (10) total compositional errors.
The Topics:  Choose One
1.  What does Oedipus learn about the difference between knowledge and wisdom?
2.  How does Sophocles use the idea of “sight” or “blindness” ironically?
3. What is the meaning to current readers about the last caution of the chorus?
4. In what ways does today’s media act as a kind of “chorus” for today’s events (comparison/ contrast)?


Learning Outcomes:
1.    Demonstrate familiarity with literary periods and their legacy of important ideas.
2.    Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical and cultural events, and characteristic perspectives and attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.
3.    Demonstrate an understanding of literary works as expressions of individual and human values within the social, political, cultural, and religious contexts of different literary periods.
4.    Demonstrate knowledge of major genres and forms of literature.
5.    Understand the development of characteristic forms and styles of expression during different historical periods and in different regions.
6.    Develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
7.    Analyze and synthesize aesthetic, historical, formal, and ideological approaches to interpreting literature through class discussion, presentations, written assignments, and exams.
8.    Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.
9.    Produce critical essays about the assigned readings that support a debatable thesis, that use primary and secondary sources, that cite those sources according to MLA style, that express ideas in clear and grammatically correct prose, and that are free of plagiarism.
Grading Rubric:
essay format (see essay review file); pertinence of response to topic; clarify of argument/ thesis with support; use of quoted material and parenthetical documentation for primary and secondary sources as needed (see Short Review of Parenthetical Documentation file); no more than ten compositional/ research method errors for any credit.
Each error will be penalized two points, including errors in composition, punctuation, grammar, and research skills.
An assignment submitted without following MLA Revised format will be penalized one credit.  An assignment submitted with plagiarism will be given zero credits.  No revision.

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write a short essay on one of the topics below by citing at least the primary source with a correct work cited page (see owl. com/ Writer’s Edge for guides on writing a work cited entry of a piece from an anthology).
Be sure to read the statement in the Syllabus about plagiarism and citing the exact words with correct parenthetical format from the primary text (the work itself).  If you choose, you can also have up to two (2) secondary sources, but you must cite them correctly as well and also put them in the correct order and format for the Work Cited page.
Be sure, too, to review the file on the essay review (title, intro with thesis/ ots, two to five (2-5)  body paragraphs, conclusion) and you must adhere to no more than ten (10) total compositional errors.
The Topics:  Choose One
1.  What does Oedipus learn about the difference between knowledge and wisdom?
2.  How does Sophocles use the idea of “sight” or “blindness” ironically?
3. What is the meaning to current readers about the last caution of the chorus?
4. In what ways does today’s media act as a kind of “chorus” for today’s events (comparison/ contrast)?


Learning Outcomes:
1.    Demonstrate familiarity with literary periods and their legacy of important ideas.
2.    Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical and cultural events, and characteristic perspectives and attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.
3.    Demonstrate an understanding of literary works as expressions of individual and human values within the social, political, cultural, and religious contexts of different literary periods.
4.    Demonstrate knowledge of major genres and forms of literature.
5.    Understand the development of characteristic forms and styles of expression during different historical periods and in different regions.
6.    Develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
7.    Analyze and synthesize aesthetic, historical, formal, and ideological approaches to interpreting literature through class discussion, presentations, written assignments, and exams.
8.    Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.
9.    Produce critical essays about the assigned readings that support a debatable thesis, that use primary and secondary sources, that cite those sources according to MLA style, that express ideas in clear and grammatically correct prose, and that are free of plagiarism.
Grading Rubric:
essay format (see essay review file); pertinence of response to topic; clarify of argument/ thesis with support; use of quoted material and parenthetical documentation for primary and secondary sources as needed (see Short Review of Parenthetical Documentation file); no more than ten compositional/ research method errors for any credit.
Each error will be penalized two points, including errors in composition, punctuation, grammar, and research skills.
An assignment submitted without following MLA Revised format will be penalized one credit.  An assignment submitted with plagiarism will be given zero credits.  No revision.

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