5 x 8er #1 on the excerpts from Martineau’s
How to Observe Morals and Manners pp. 46-52
Here is the link to the textbook:
Please read it carefully,
5X8’ERS. 100 points.These are exercises designed to help you focus on the readings. You need to do five of the nine exercises assigned over the semester. They must be written on a standard 5’ x 8’ notecard (you may use both sides) and consist of the following:
(a) your name;
(b) the title of the excerpt you are reading, the name of the author (all spelled accurately and correctly punctuated) and the date of its original publication;
(c) 3-4 sentences explaining what you see as the main argument of the excerpt,
(d) a quote from the excerpt supporting your contention that this is the main argument,
(e) 2-3 sentences saying how the quote supports your contention about the main argument as you have presented it above in (c);
(f) 3-4 sentences applying the reading to one of the items listed above under additional texts, your course essay topic, or your own life experience;
(g) 3-4 sentences giving your response as either “I agree with this argument because . . .,” or “I disagree with this argument because . . . .”
Note: “f” and “g” could be combined in that you explain your agreement or disagreement in terms of how the argument fits or does not fit your application example. You may type the 5x8er and paste it on to a card.