Coln Net (- ( 00a Fall 2015 Sociological Theory
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Final Exam Due in class on Thursda December 17 at 8:00 a.m.
Choose one theorist from Column A and another from Column B below. Apply the theorists’ arguments to a particular phenomenon – for example, the growth of prescii tiore,….iSgfru use; a social roblem related to enciglettilicity.,new industries or workplace trends; new parenting tec niques; a particular mental health issue, a particular desktop or mobile application; a social media site; the growth of online education/schools: a reality television program; a new fashion trend; a social movement: our understanding of the selt_the way power ikfOrik*iin SOci • the possibilities of rational human progress, or another topic of your-Laacice*——-
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royal before ou be • in to write our essa
How would each theorist understand and explain your topic? Does one fill a gap in the other’s thinking that helps you to understand your topic better? Is one theorist more useful in analyzing your topic and if so why? Be_sure_ta,explaifl-what-the—dffferent-ttreofists-argue (e.g., how do they understand the social world, how should it be studi tassumptiolasisa-they_make,,aboutit, what are their main concepts ancLcontr-ilacitions . Also be sure to compare and contrast them. Do they complement one another or do they disagree?
Durkheim ucault Marx Baudrillard Weber Beck Simmel Mead Dubois
Merton Mills Marcuse Goffman Giddens Bourdieu
Format and Length: .12:Ziagezjouble-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font. Include – cover page with your name .Use pa e numbers and lease staple your essay together, r The essa Will be ra d e I accordin to the wi e
Addresses an approved topic and follows instructions. Begins analysis early in paper (introduces p front and avoids restating lecturelRitzer for • most of essay). • Identifies and applies each theorist’s relevant concepts and arguments correctly. • Compares and/or contrasts theorists appropriately. • Draws some conclusion about relevance of the theorists for understanding topic. • Draws from relevant course materials (Ritzer. ri,LiiiarniTtsy theorists, lecture). Organization and focus is clear (uses paragraphs; logical flow; writing does not impede abilit„ • express ideas clearly to reader).
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Sociological Theory: Final Paper