Social Work Placement reportOrder Description
Background: I am a social work students and assigned to a primary school (Elizabeth Grove Primary School for undertaking my final placement.Based on the attached file (Learning Plan Human Service Field Placement B), write the mid placement comment on progress on each standard 1-6 (Do the Highlighted part)
(Student Notes) (Feeling/ Challenges/ Social work theory/learning during the placement/skill used) on that file in order to achieve the course objective which is
shown on each standard require.
Each Standard should be written around 550 words. At the same same, you need to read the brief description of my placement in attempt to master what i need to do on my
Final placement (Elizabeth Grove Primary School)
I have already attached another file (End placement ANGUS 03June2016) as a sample which is my first placement work in St John and comment progress on mid placement and
end placement work (Rmb there are little bit difference of course objective between First Placement work and Final Placement work). You can do it as reference.
However, dont totally copy all the things or point to do this work (Final Placement) (Elizabeth Grove Primary School). Because the minimum level of the rate on my
previous work in St John (First placement) is beginning competent rather than competent which is needed to be achieved on (End placement). Therefore you have done it
in depth compare with my previous work done on first placement instead of focusing on the surface things and develop more point to reflect the activities on my final
placement to achieve each standard (Elizabeth Grove Primary School).
In the meanwhile, I attached the file of my background of my working agency that you can undestand the purpose of my school and working objective as well as the file
(Anguss Presentation) regarding of critical review of roles, functions and responsibilities of workers within the placement agency that you can master the operation
in the school based on the learning plan activities in Elizabeth Grove Primary School (Written already) and write the comment when working with them (Staff)Addition, The reciption staff : Kerry (in charging of Breakfast/ Lunch Club)
The volunteers: June from UK (comes on Monday and Friday) (talking with the students and provide some activities to them during the recess etc coloring and crafts )
Senior councelor: Anne-Marie (my field educator)
When you write the comment on progress, plz must read the following link (Extremely important and the activities shown are quite the same as i do on my final
placement) ?Relevant to the notes u need to write)
Placement my activities (Must read on the link: (You can master comphensively)
Group work (Running cooking classes for students parents(Female) and computer session (Male) that are
difficult to engage with.) (Small groups /workshops focusing on anger management.)
? Community wkor ( Social networking such as linking schools to
services for students and parents to access.) (Helping to raise awareness about mental health and well-being in students and teaching staff.)
Advocacy (Helping the school to source out food banks for establishing a breakfast/lunch club for students who need to access this service.) ( Using your networking
skills to provide the school with information about services and
resources that are available within their community. One way you may achieve this, is by building a community directory for your school. One way in which you can
begin to build a community directory is by visiting relevant local agencies within your schools area.)
? Raising awareness of social issues.
? Role modelling.
? Case management
? Counselling ( Read the file of called(Case Managemen) within the agency Students list whom i am working with them individually) (Playing Sports)
Participation of breakfast/ Lunch Club, Homework program, playground program (in the recess time), after school hour care program, Gardening, sports with the students
Theories that can be used in schools
Group work theory.
? Strengths.
? Empowerment.
? Feminist theory.
? Systems theory.
Social learning theory
Attachment theory
three to four written portfolio of my relevant work in the agency (Regulatory Framework, Personal Practice Profile, Marco Policy) that may be useful to help you
develop the work how to reflect the activities i am doing in Elizabeth Grove Primary school on each standard acheiving the CO (Course Objective).
Social Work Placement report