Task: Write an essay of 1200 words (+/- 10%) arguing a position on the relevance for managers developing an understanding of political philosophy and social science concepts to recognise the global, cultural and economically interdependent nature of management, society and enterprise. Illustrate your argument with an example from philosophy or literature to demonstrate the insights they can offer managers. Reference: Select at least two primary sources from the tutorial readings. Supplement your argument with at least six references from other, relevant, quality sources including academic books and journal articles. Examples of quality journals include: Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Organization, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Management Inquiry and Journal of Business Ethics. Illustrate your arguments with cases from reputable media outlets as secondary sources. Finally, provide a reference list of your references according to Harvard UTS referencing conventions. Tutorial readings: – Bennis, W.G. & O’Toole, J. 2005, ‘How business schools lost their way’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 96-104. – Porter, M.E. & Kramer, M.R. 2011, ‘Creating shared value’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 89, no. 1/2, pp. 62-77. – Riemer, N., Simon, D. W., & Romance, J. 2013, “The quest for the good political life” in The Challenge of Politics, pp. 117-142. Washington, Sage. – Peterson, M. C. E. 2013,. ‘Avatar, Marx, and the Alienation of Labor’, in J. J. Foy, & T. M. Dale (Eds.) Homer Simpson ponders politics: popular culture as political theory, pp. 115-130. University Press of Kentucky, Kentucky. – Rodden 1999, ‘Introduction’ in Understanding Animal Farm: A student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. xvii-xxvi. – Banerjee, S.B. 2008, ‘Necrocapitalism’, Organization Studies, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1541-63. – Morrison, J. 2013, ‘Indonesia gains from international trade but who is left behind?’ case study in Business Ethics: New Challenges in a Globalized World, pp. 182-183, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Social political context of management

Social political context of management
Order Description
Task: Write an essay of 1200 words (+/- 10%) arguing a position on the relevance for managers developing an understanding of political philosophy and social science concepts to recognise the global, cultural and economically interdependent nature of management, society and enterprise. Illustrate your argument with an example from philosophy or literature to demonstrate the insights they can offer managers.
Reference: Select at least two primary sources from the tutorial readings. Supplement your argument with at least six references from other, relevant, quality sources including academic books and journal articles. Examples of quality journals include: Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Organization, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Management Inquiry and Journal of Business Ethics. Illustrate your arguments with cases from reputable media outlets as secondary sources. Finally, provide a reference list of your references according to Harvard UTS referencing conventions.
Tutorial readings:
– Bennis, W.G. & O’Toole, J. 2005, ‘How business schools lost their way’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 96-104.
– Porter, M.E. & Kramer, M.R. 2011, ‘Creating shared value’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 89, no. 1/2, pp. 62-77.
– Riemer, N., Simon, D. W., & Romance, J. 2013, “The quest for the good political life” in The Challenge of Politics, pp. 117-142. Washington, Sage.
– Peterson, M. C. E. 2013,. ‘Avatar, Marx, and the Alienation of Labor’, in J. J. Foy, & T. M. Dale (Eds.) Homer Simpson ponders politics: popular culture as political theory, pp. 115-130. University Press of Kentucky, Kentucky.
– Rodden 1999, ‘Introduction’ in Understanding Animal Farm: A student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. xvii-xxvi.
– Banerjee, S.B. 2008, ‘Necrocapitalism’, Organization Studies, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1541-63.
– Morrison, J. 2013, ‘Indonesia gains from international trade but who is left behind?’ case study in Business Ethics: New Challenges in a Globalized World, pp. 182-183, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Social political context of management

Social political context of management
Order Description
Task: Write an essay of 1200 words (+/- 10%) arguing a position on the relevance for managers developing an understanding of political philosophy and social science concepts to recognise the global, cultural and economically interdependent nature of management, society and enterprise. Illustrate your argument with an example from philosophy or literature to demonstrate the insights they can offer managers.
Reference: Select at least two primary sources from the tutorial readings. Supplement your argument with at least six references from other, relevant, quality sources including academic books and journal articles. Examples of quality journals include: Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Organization, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Management Inquiry and Journal of Business Ethics. Illustrate your arguments with cases from reputable media outlets as secondary sources. Finally, provide a reference list of your references according to Harvard UTS referencing conventions.
Tutorial readings:
– Bennis, W.G. & O’Toole, J. 2005, ‘How business schools lost their way’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 96-104.
– Porter, M.E. & Kramer, M.R. 2011, ‘Creating shared value’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 89, no. 1/2, pp. 62-77.
– Riemer, N., Simon, D. W., & Romance, J. 2013, “The quest for the good political life” in The Challenge of Politics, pp. 117-142. Washington, Sage.
– Peterson, M. C. E. 2013,. ‘Avatar, Marx, and the Alienation of Labor’, in J. J. Foy, & T. M. Dale (Eds.) Homer Simpson ponders politics: popular culture as political theory, pp. 115-130. University Press of Kentucky, Kentucky.
– Rodden 1999, ‘Introduction’ in Understanding Animal Farm: A student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. xvii-xxvi.
– Banerjee, S.B. 2008, ‘Necrocapitalism’, Organization Studies, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1541-63.
– Morrison, J. 2013, ‘Indonesia gains from international trade but who is left behind?’ case study in Business Ethics: New Challenges in a Globalized World, pp. 182-183, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.