social media has served as an influence towards a healthier lifestyle
Title: What impact does social media have on people’s lifestyle?
THESIS: Social media has effectively influenced towards a healthier lifestyle
(more exercise and healthier diet & more education on food choices) THESIS
– Two viewp01oints (pros and cons of social media on people’s lifestyle in relation to exercise and diet)
– 7 sources (at least 5 scholar sources )
– 2 sources could be from reliable newspapers or articles
– conclusion is the summary of the analysis of pros and cons and supporting the thesis at the end.
The following are example of introductions for the research paper– there are only EXAMPLES
title: Electric Cars: Changing the Industry for the Better?
Volkswagen, the world’s biggest manufacturer of conventional cars, is currently facing a tremendous crisis after having manipulated emission tests affecting over eleven million cars. The crisis has led to a huge drop in the company’s stock destroying €15.8 billion of its market value. Simultaneously, Tesla, a pioneer for electric cars, introduced its new Model X, which was celebrated by the press and critiques. The recent events show a shift in the public opinion towards electric cars and Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, was not shy of advising Volkswagen to completely quit their fuel car operations and start solely producing electric cars (Bay and Tuma). As of today, there are 373,000 electric vehicles (EVs) on American streets – with upward tendency (Cobb). The CEO of Capricorn, a new electric car firm out of the Silicon Valley that is acquainted with Apple, hopes the emission scandal of Volkswagen “will change the car industry for the better” (Dörner).
A change for the better indicates that electric vehicles are superior to conventional cars. On the one hand this might be the case, since EVs have zero tailpipe emissions and could solve emission problems in the transportation sector. On the other hand, however, the environmental benefits of electric cars are dependent on their energy source and influenced by their complex production process that makes EVs more expensive than gasoline fueled cars. While the environmental benefits of electric cars are undeniable in the long-term, several aspects suggest that EVs are not ready for the mass market, yet, and cannot lead to a revolution in transportation on their own.
Works Cited
Bay, Lukas, and Thomas Tuma. “All Charged Up in Berlin.” Handelsblatt Global Edition
[Duesseldorf] 25 Sept. 2015, 271st ed.: n. pag. Print.
Cobb, Jeff. “September 2015 Dashboard.” DISQUS, 2 Oct. 2015. Web.
17 Nov. 2015. Committee on Health, Environmental, and Other External Costs and Benefits of Energy
Production and Consumption, and National Research Council. Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use. Washington, D.C.: National Academies, 2010. Print.
Conca, James. “Are Electric Cars Really That Polluting?” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 21 July 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2015. that-polluting.
Dörner, Astrid. “Capricorn CEO: VW Should Only Build E-Cars in U.S.” Handelsblatt Global Edition [Duesseldorf] 27 Oct. 2015, 293rd ed.: n. pag. Print.
Hawkins, Troy R., Bhawna Singh, Guillaume Majeau-Bettez, and Anders Hammer Strømman. “Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Conventional and Electric Vehicles.” Journal of Industrial Ecology 17.1 (2012): 53-64. Web.
“Renewable Energy Statistics.” Eurostat. European Union, Apr. 2015. Web. 24 Nov. 2015. explained/index.php/Renewable_energy_statistics
TITLE: Social Media: A Mental Health Effector?
It is hard to believe that Facebook is being blamed for mental health problems. The usage of social media has been on the rise in the past decade with the rapid advancement of the computer and the cell phone. MySpace is credited as the first platform of social media, linking people with their taste in music. More recently, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have been developed to show individuality and personal likings through sharing personal thoughts, pictures, videos, applications, and other forms of digital media. It has been a powerful tool in creating a new form of celebrity and creating a new venue for business advertising and marketing. However, there has been a lot of controversy over the effect these forms of social media have on users’ mental health. In more recent news, social media powerhouses have deactivated their accounts, citing their change of mental health, personality, and physical health.
This has raised the question of whether or not social media causes negative mental health effects on users. There are, however, two sides to this debate. One side believes that social media can be used to improve mental health and that social media does not negatively affect the mental health of its users. The opposing side believes that social media does negatively affect the mental health of its users. Based on recent research and inconclusive studies, social media does not cause negative mental health problems.