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Social Behavior

Order DescriptionPlease use same criteria as previous assignments!!!
Please answer in THREE SEPaRATE PARAGRAPHS respectively!!! Use this book as the main source!! Chapter 8 Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K. (Eds). (2008). Health Education and Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice (4th edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Please I need question one first before Wednesday. Question 2,3 can wait till Friday. — —- I will upload the articles and some notes.
question 1:Self Efficacy —

By now you know that most theories describe self-efficacy or a related construct as a key predictor of behavior change. Please review the results of the three articles included in this week’s readings and answer the following questions: (a) In what ways are self-efficacy, perceived behavioral control and perceived barriers similar or different?, (b) Do you think that feeling or thinking that you are “efficacious” will change what you do?, (c) Can you think of an instance when this statement is not true?
question 2 Effective Models —-

One of the most basic principles of the SCT is that people learn by watching others. It has been said that a “model” to be effective in getting others to change has to be similar to the target population. (a) Based on the readings and your experience, do you think this is true? (b) In what ways do behavior models need to resemble their target population to be effective?


Question 3 Bullying behavior

Bullying in schools is both an academic, social, and a public health problem. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly a third of all students aged 12 – 18 reported having been bullied at school in 2007, some almost daily. The Social Cognitive Theory is probably the most widely adopted “theory of the solution” in public health because it accounts for individual and group behavior and the environment where it occurs. How would apply the SCT to modify the behavior of bullies at your local school? Think about using role models, multimedia strategies, and involving different actors in the school setting as part of your solution. Make sure to ONLY USE CONCEPTS DERIVED FROM THE Social cognitive theory.


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