“Problematic Interactive Digital Technologies”
7 April 2016 v1.0
Gaming machines (also known as “poker machines” or “pokies” in Australia)
are interactive digital technologies where input of currency causes a machine
to simulate a number of spinning wheels. Depending on the position of the
wheels after the spinning which is determined by algorithms based on set
probabilities the consumer may win or lose money. There is a great deal of
controversy around gaming machines; the aim of this group assignment is
introduce the technology in general as well as represent different viewpoints.
Note: you do not need to use gaming machines as part of this assignment
Instructions for this assignment:
1. Form a group of 2-4 students. You’ll need to highlight each
student’s contribution to the assignment in your submission.
2. Provide a formal definition of “gaming machine” which is grounded
in the literature and which you will use as vantage point for this
assignment. For this assignment, wikipedia is a good starting point
and newspaper articles can also be good information sources. As
usual, references should be provided in Harvard style. Check the
university web site if you need advice on using Harvard.
3. Highlight key aspects of the controversy around gaming machines
and discuss different aspects of the controversy with each team
member selecting and representing their own viewpoint. Present a
justified conclusion. This does not mean all team members have to
agree as team members can agree to disagree!
4. Your essay should be between 1,500-2,000 words long, written in
standard English, free of grammar and spelling errors, and set in a
12 pt font. Don’t forget to highlight each student’s contribution in
your submission!
5. Submit your file to the assignment 4 drop box by 3pm on Monday,
May 16th, 2016 (note time/date is different from other assignments)
6. Marking will follow the KIT 311/611 Writing Evaluation criteria guide
posted on MyLO.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions
Social and Cultural Issues of Interactive Digital Media (KIT 311/611) Academic Essay