PART III: SLIDE COMPARISON (find images in your text or Moodle)
Directions Compare ONE (1) of the following two pairs of slide images by answering the questions below. DO NOT mix your answers to questions. Number your responses corresponding to each question. Write simply and directly. Avoid making vague generalizations without factual backup. The length of your answers is not as important as the quality of you answers.
Image Pair #1: Willem De Kooning’s Woman I (1950-52)) and Jasper John’s Flag (1955)
1) What is the style or movement represented by each painting?
VS 108-05 Final Exam, Page 5
2) Describe each painting (What specifically is represented in each work of art?)
3) What are the important differences and similarities between both works of art in terms of their formal qualities (materials used, line, size, color, composition, form, technique, etc.)?
4) What is the purpose or meaning of each work (in other words, what were the artists trying to specifically communicate, express, or accomplish in making these two different paintings)?
5) How do these two different works of art reflect social, political, or economic events or values of the times in which they were created)?
Image Pair #2: Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty (1970) and Robert Arneson’s California Artist (1982)
1) What is the style or movement represented by each painting?
2) Describe each painting (What specifically is represented in each work of art?)
3) What are the important differences and similarities between both works of art in terms of their formal qualities (materials used, line, size, color, composition, form, technique, etc.)?
4) What is the purpose or meaning of each work (in other words, what were the artists trying to specifically communicate, express, or accomplish in making these two different paintings)?
5) How do these two different works of art reflect social, political, or economic events or values of the times in which they were created)?