Site Survey
The purpose of this project is to support and direct you onto the third yearwith the aim to consolidate personal and professional development and move the focus on further expandingyour research skills and enquiry of the subject at this level 6. More importantly, this project will offer you an understanding of what year 3 entails, placing an emphasis and focus on your ability to direct your own investigations, analysis of those investigations, communication, and provide an underpinning of both knowledge of in-depth research for your final year project and key, your ability to manage yourown time effectively.
Alaw,reach three years ago announced that local authorities will allow for the first time in almost 70 years, the rights of ‘ordinary citizens’ to set up, open and run their own ‘centres for learning’. It is proposed that many of these private colleges will be in areas where theuse of the Governments ‘Brown field’ sites tax incentives arealready in existence and set inplace; therefore, existing buildings should be used rather than new buildings erected.
Your remit, at this stage, will be to identify, select and research three (3)potential sites for an adult education and community centre, which will need to accommodate up to 60 adults including support, (teaching and carers/community/social) workers.
Any site should ideally be positioned within ‘reasonable walking distance from transport links;access will be key as any potential site willneed to able to accommodate both elderly and less capable members of the community and those who may require full time carers. Space for parking‘Blue Badge holders vehicle’s’, bicycles and disabled buggies with the facility to recharge batteries etc is another consideration that needs to be considered when surveying any potential site.
Getting you started:
Although this is primarily a written project (your reports will also need to contain some photo elicitation/research to support any site or proposedbuilding; your task is to investigate the relationship between an existing structure/building and its current usage and what role the building plays within the wider and social community; scrutinising any impact a change of usage may have upon it [the community].
Although at this stage you are free to select an existing building outside of the M25**, we strongly advise that at least one of your chosen sites should be within ‘walking distance’ of Old Kent Road, London, SE1. The purpose of this project is theidea that you will be looking at and investigating this site as a potential ‘platform’ for proposed refurbishment and / or change of usage, which will continue and extend into the 3rd year this coming Autumn 2013.
Your role, as part of a design team, will be to prepare a clearly documentedaccount of all of your chosen sites; this will need to be done in 2 stages:
• Stage 1:
You will need to identify your three potential sites. Stating their merits, pro’s and con’s.
• Stage 2:
You will then decide upon which one of the 3 sites you will chose and why?
key to your written reports will be consideration of those whose lives, careers and livelihoods (employment)will be directly and indirectly affected (stake holders) byany proposals plannede.g. if your chosen site is a former post office, what has been the impact on that community both economically and socially, what role did the post office contribute within that local community and what impact will an adult ed centre make on the wider society?
Yourprojectshould be considered as a ‘feasibility study’, you are not, being asked to design any structure but to undertake a sitesurvey and document the‘social impact’of any changes your chosen buildingmay have on the surrounding property/environment, i.e.parks, waste ground or schools etc.
What effects will any change of usage make on the wider community?
• What should be in this report?
• Your report will need to contain details such as site locations, plans, written details of the condition, current usage and historical data of the building. Although your ability to write what you see is important, you will need to conduct a visual documentation of the structure/s.
Key to your written report will be an intimate understanding of the following:
The stakeholders – anyone who’s involved, the ‘movers and shakers’
Users of the building,
General public,
The end users,
Funders lenders, government and allied bodies, from,this group in particular, approvals may be needed,
Other delivering related services such as transport, NHS and social services..
Any potential scheme of which, you may be working on, directly involved in as well as having a ‘say in’, the users or stakeholders, and must be considered.
Your task:
Identifying the sites aside, you will need to identify potential buildings, which could be of any age or location** (re: the above).
1- Investigate those underlined above, who are they, what impact (through their roles) could they potentially have on any scheme you may wish to write about?
2- What could be a ‘hurdle’ (problem) on any change of usage; there could be anexisting Adult Centre in existencealready within a few miles radius, which may object to any change of usage you propose. It is therefore vital that these issues are identified very early on before any scheme is put forward to planning.
3- Human issues aside, what other concerns could there be when investigating any potential site or building? Transport links, the prospect of a new station being built will artificially inflate the land and property prices and therefore the overall cost of any refurbishment.
4- Your report on your chosen sitewill need to be a maximum of 1500 words.