SIT105 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for IT
Assignment 2
Due Date: Monday, May 25 at 9am, 2015
One Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) of this unit SIT105 is that at the end of this unit students will be able to design and develop algorithms using the input-processing-output model, defining diagrams and pseudo-code to understand some initial stages of program development.
This assignment and part of the examination focuses on this ULO. Assignment 2 assessment will indicate whether students can partially attain this outcome.
This assignment requires you to design and develop a range of algorithms; from basic algorithms to more complicated algorithms.
Read the following questions.
Answer all the following questions.
Place your name, ID and answers in your document. Please note that MS Word (docx) or PDF files may be submitted.
Question 1
Related Assessment Criteria (AC)
Assessing this question focuses on whether students can demonstrate the ability to:
design and develop a simple algorithm that incorporates the Divide and Conquer problem solving technique and that we find in daily life and independent of computers.
Design and develop an algorithm to make one hot meal of sausages and baked-beans. This meal is for yourself, so you can select the number and type of sausages, and the quantity of baked beans. This algorithm must indicate how you would make and serve such a meal within your kitchen; not some imaginary kitchen. Your algorithm must depend on equipment within your kitchen.
Ensure that your algorithm is complete and has sufficient details.
Dont assume the can of baked-beans magically opens by itself.
Dont assume that machines turn on by themselves.
Dont assume the frypan magically moves from a cupboard to, say, a gas burner.
You need to submit your design (defining diagram) and algorithm. Page 1 of 3
Question 2
Related Assessment Criteria (AC)
Assessing this question focuses on whether students can demonstrate the ability to:
develop simple algorithms such as min, max, count, average, sequential search.
Consider that the unit SIT105 has 400 students enrolled. Develop an algorithm to prompt for and obtain a student ID number, surname and final mark for each of these 400 students. The final mark is in the range 0 to 100, inclusive.
Your algorithm must determine the average final mark for these 400 students. In addition, at the end of your algorithm, it must also display that average mark, the ID number and final mark for Angela Brown, and whether or not her mark was above average.
You need to submit your and algorithm.
Question 3
Related Assessment Criteria (AC)
Assessing this question focuses on whether students can demonstrate the ability to:
develop sequentially cohesive modules,
develop functionally cohesive modules,
develop modules utilising data coupling, and
develop modules utilising stamp coupling.
An IT cloud business has a particular data file containing some characteristics associated with leasing their services to customers. You must develop a modular algorithm to calculate the overall monthly bill for each line of this file, and display this amount next to the customer ID.
Each line of this file contains monthly data for an individual customer and service type. These data are used to determine the overall monthly billing cost of leasing a particular set of services to a customer. Each column of this file contains values for the following characteristics:
Customer ID
Service type
Number of SaaS subscriptions SaaS only
Number of hours of virtual machine leasing IaaS and PaaS only
Number of hours of storage leasing IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
Quantity of network traffic in GB IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
Nominated number of users SaaS only
Number of transactions PaaS and SaaS only
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For example, the first 10 lines of this file might contain:
1000 IaaS NA 100 100 2 NA NA
1001 IaaS NA 200 400 3 NA NA
1002 IaaS NA 80 120 3 NA NA
2000 PaaS NA 400 500 0.5 NA 10000
2001 PaaS NA 300 500 0.8 NA 9000
2002 PaaS NA 250 250 1 NA 8000
1000 PaaS NA 500 1000 1.5 NA 15000
1000 SaaS 1 NA 100 1 100 1000
2000 SaaS 2 NA 500 2 200 5000
3000 SaaS 12 NA 1000 8 500 2000
The monthly bill depends on the following AUD costs.
SaaS subscription 100 per month
computation 0.2 per hour
storage 0.1 per hour
network traffic 0 <=1 GB
network traffic 1 per GB above 1 GB
users 1 per nominated users
transactions 5 per 1000 transactions
Based on the above file values and costs, one can expect the output of your algorithm to be:
1000 32.00 AUD
1001 83.00 AUD
1002 31.00 AUD
2000 180.00 AUD
2001 155.00 AUD
2002 115.00 AUD
1000 276.50 AUD
1000 215.00 AUD
2000 477.00 AUD
3000 1818.00 AUD
1. Your algorithm should be based on the related assessment criteria.
2. You need to submit your algorithm. Page 3 of 3
SIT105 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for IT