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Sister Sky question Archives

Assignment Requirements


This work for mid-term and it should be done with in three days, my instracture said to follow same format as the question paper format and answer the question in same word document.

please use the website and the copy of the page i upload to answer the question.

please don’t copy and past the answer she want it from our own words.

Thank you

Introduction to Business 1301                                    Mid-term Exam                                               May 27, 2014

Due:    Sunday, June 1, 2014

Name: ____________________________________                                                                         ___/80

The Test covers chapters 1-6 of Business in Action. The test is open-book and take-home.   You are expected to write your own answers. There could be more than one correct answer to any question. If students copy, all students involved, both the giver and receiver of the answer, will get a grade of 0 and fail the exam. All exams are due at the beginning of class on Sunday, June 1, 2014 by hard copy or e-copy. Late exams will result in a grade reduction of 20 points per day late. You must type the exam. Expand the following format to type your answers. Your exam will lose 20 points if the following format is not followed. You may not cut and paste from the website or copy word for word from the book. You must use your own words or lose 50%. The in-class portion of your test is during the first 30 mintutes of class on Sunday, June 1, 2014. If you are late, you will not be given extra time. The in-class test is timed for 30 minutes.

Use the information in your book from all chapters, the case study of Sister Sky in chapter 6, and the website of

Sister Sky Choose 3 products and describe the herbal wisdom behind the product.                                          ____/6


    Where/how did the sisters first start selling their products ?                                                  ____/4


    How could the law of supply and demand affect Sister Sky’s hotel and spa business?                    ____/5


    Give an example of an ethical decision made by the owners of Sister Sky.                         ____/5


    Give an example of how each of the environments could or does affect Sister Sky.                        ___/10

Justify your answer.


  1. The economic environment
  2. The market environment
  3. The legal environment
  4. The technological environment
  5. The social environment


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