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simventure report

simventure report

Order Description
there is program called simventure I need you to download it ther is a free version I but the link in word doc and the details I need you to work on the scenario and
make profit the avrege profit need to be for 6 moths more than 1000 for only 3 months and take screen shoot of the history and averdge profit to include in the report
then explina ech step you did to rech the profit what helps you and what makes you lose money ..

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SimVenture Report

SimVenture ReportAssessment Question and Marking Criteria

Your Task
To run your SimVenture for three years.

Reflect on and discuss the process of running your SimVenture for the first three years of the business. Critically evaluate the strategic decisions you made and the consequences of those decisions for the business. Include material from the lectures and relevant academic literature in your report to support your analysis. Wider reading tends to be associated with higher marks.

The report should include the following:
• The name of the business and details about the management team (group members and university IDs)
• The unique ID of the game used to create the final report
• Background information from SimVenture detailing conditions at the starting point of the business. For example the financial position, the market conditions and the competitive environment (in the appendix).
• Submissions should be a maximum of 25 pages (equivalent to approximately 10,000 words).
(excluding references and appendices)
• Report format
• An electronic copy must be uploaded via Turnitin to LEARN where it will also be checked for plagiarism

The writer just needs to finish the report for year 2.

Marking Criteria (semester 2)

Grade Mark Criteria
A 80 – 100 Shows extensive relevant knowledge with evidence of significant independent study and reading. Provides clear and convincing relevant explanations, analysis and arguments. Presents own ideas and explores alternatives. Shows competence in subject specific skills and a willingness to criticise methods and suggest alternative approaches. Achieves excellence in integrating theories/practices as applied to intermediate business problems.
A 70 – 79 Shows extensive relevant knowledge with evidence of significant independent reading. Provides very good relevant explanations, analysis and arguments. Presents a few own ideas and describes alternatives. Shows competence in subject specific skills and is able to criticise methods. Achieves very high level in integrating theories/practices as applied to intermediate business problems.
B 60 – 69 Shows relevant knowledge with evidence of own reading. Provides good relevant explanations, analysis and arguments. Presents some alternatives. Shows competence in subject specific skills. Achieves very high level in integrating theories/practices as applied to intermediate business problems with minor errors/weaknesses.
C 50 – 59 Shows knowledge of relevant core areas with limited evidence of own reading beyond lecture material. Provides some relevant explanations, analysis and arguments. Presents a few weak alternatives. Shows some competence in subject specific skills. Achieves acceptable level in integrating theories/practices as applied to intermediate business problems with some major errors/weaknesses.
Marginal Fail 40 – 49 Shows limited knowledge of relevant key areas, based mainly on lecture material, and limited competence in skills. Provides weak relevant explanations and arguments. Poorly integrates theories/practices when applied to intermediate business problems with major errors/weaknesses.
Fail 30 – 39 Shows patchy and limited knowledge of relevant key areas and partial competence in skills. Achieves little by way of integrating theories/practices as applied to intermediate business problems with major errors/weaknesses.
Fail 0 – 29 Shows little or confused relevant knowledge of key areas and little competence in skills, with very few relevant applications or examples. Does not express or explain knowledge in own words

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