The essay sets out to make an important argument about the international impact of Irish Suffrage, plus the statement about the need for revolutionary change regarding women as influenced by Enlightenment though imparticular. The three texts- Wollstonecraft, Mills and Jacob – are interesting suggestion, though asside from the first two- selection of texts needs to be justified. Each text is quite different (even Wollshtoncraft and Mills) and need to be explained ( especially in the case of Jacob, who was publishing in the late 1950s). Also it is important to note that the chronology re women’s suffrage in Ireland is not quite the same as in in England (eg post-1918/1922). The context re early 20th century Ireland and Britian to be referenced more fully and to note the earlier developement period re suffrage campaigning. Ther is some confusion over eg municipal (local) franchise and parlimanetary franchise, the constitution. There is a tendency to repeat statments re Wollscraft and Mills. It is important to situate such theorists in context and to draw upon those where were active at a larger stage. The essay recognises the way that suffrage an lineral thinking challenged Victorian Values and this should be used as a unifying there more clearly.
The writing needs to be less complex and bring the information and argument to the for front.
Follow the guidleines to ensure that the question is fully addressed. What does the question tell us about women’s history? How Has suffrage emerged as a theme with in the field? Who is writting about women’s suffrage?