Order Description
Harvard reference(UK)A word report format. Critically Evaluate the impact of discrimination on differing social groups.
The whole report is to be written from an anti-racist perspective.
Critically analyse the impact ethnicity has on Sickle cell health of people in the UK.
Using an anti-racist perspective, critically evaluate the extent to which UK policy and practice is meeting the needs of ethnic minority group(s) in relation to the area of health selected (Sickle Cell.
*The report will incorporate a systematic review of the literature, an analysis of policy from an anti-racist perspective and an evidenced reasoned and argued conclusion with recommendations.
(2) The paper will be in report format as outlined below.
1. Title page
2. Abstract or Executive Summary (on a separate page)
3. Table of contents (which includes page numbers for the different sections/subsections and should be on a new page)
4. Introduction (including aims/objectives, background, scope and methodology)
5. Discussion of findings as well as relevant policy (should consist of different headed sections/subsections)
6. Conclusion
7. Recommendations
8. References
What needs to be covered in each section of the report:
(a) In the abstract, outline what the report is about; what areas it covers; key findings; and brief summary of your overall conclusion and recommendations. It should be short (150-200 words – no more)
(b) In the introduction section, in addition to your aims and objectives, you should have a background section where you discuss what has been said on the subject in the past. Why is the subject important? You should define key terms e.g. here you can define your chosen health condition e.g. tell the reader briefly what Sickle Cell is, Note you are simply required to briefly define terms. The report should NOT be a long description of what the illness is and its signs, symptoms and treatment.
(c) The scope of your report relates to what you are focusing on e.g. The systematic literature review focuses on the United Kingdom, what years, what areas you will be covering, and so on.
(d) In your methodology section you discuss how you went about finding your articles e.g. which database or databases did you use – CINAHL Plus with full text, and/or EBSCO Electronic Journal Service, etc.? What key words did you use? How did you limit your search? What inclusion criteria did you use?
systematic review needs to be clear how you ended up with the few articles you have included so if the reader decided to do exactly the same search using the criteria you used, he/she should end up with exactly the same results as you.
(e) The findings section should consist of different headed sections/subsections. NOTE: this should NOT be in the form – article A did this, article A says this and found this followed by article B did this, article B says this and found this. You must bring the main points of ALL the articles together.
(f) Your discussion of relevant policy, may well be part of your systematic review if this is an area the articles you found focus on or it can be a separate section or both.
(g) Lastly comes your conclusion followed by your recommendations.