Network Architecture Paper:Compare the TCP/IP protocol suite and the OSI model and list their differences and similarities.
The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content, and a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.
Please access thePurdueOwlOnlineWriting Labas an APA resource. Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.
Watch VideoTCP/IP and the OSI Model Explained!Duration: (36:35)User:n/a -Added:11/17/13This is the big picture explanation of the TCP/IP protocol and how it maps to the OSI model. The big picture covers the OSI model layers and their functions, TCP/IP layers, functions,PDUsand addressing. Then it shows how the many different network devices are mapped to the TCP/IP protocol.
short paper

Short Paper

Many global organizations are ISO certified. Specifically, ISO 14001 addresses the elements of responsible operation toward the environment. The framework indicates that an organization should maintain a policy addressing the following elements:
Top management shall define its organization’s environmental policy, and ensure it is appropriate to the environmental impact of its activities, products and services. Commitment to continuous improvement, prevention of pollution and compliance with legislation and regulations shall be documented, implemented and maintained. The environmental objectives and targets shall be set and reviewed. The policy shall be communicated to all persons working for the organization and be made available to the public. (Source: TWI)
Write a paper that addresses the following:
Create a 1–2 paragraph environmental policy for the company that you are focusing on for your final project.
Discuss and support your selected focus areas in your policy verbiage