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Servant Leadership

Topic: Servant Leadership Questions Paper

Servant Leadership Questions Paper
Please answer each question separately and in order
1.Synthesize how the concepts of culture, organizational values, individual values, and stakeholder value creation are related. Why is their alignment important for the long term success of an organization?
2.What is the importance of stakeholders to effective leadership?
3.How does values-based leadership lead to value creation for stakeholders?
4.Based on the reading and two additional articles you research (on values such as trust, spirituality, social consciousness, sustainability, environmental protectionism, social responsibility, etc.), hypothesize the importance of two of these values as far as adding value to customers and society
5.Synthesize three examples of how an organizational leader can contribute to society through his or her leadership role in their organization.
6.Some experts say that the focus of trustees and senior leaders in “for-profit companies” should be on creating shareholder wealth and maximizing profitability. Other experts say the company must serve a higher purpose and make a contribution to society. Provide two arguments for both sides of this argument with support from research.
7.Based on this week’s reading and two articles from 2003 or later, select two contemporary change leadership models. Compare them. Explain why they would be appropriate for today’s chaotic, fast-paced global environment.
8.Define the concepts/skill of dialogue. Identify its importance to change leadership and achieving shared understanding.
9.One of the leading change leadership models today worldwide was developed by John Kotter over 20 years ago. Describe Kotter’s Change Leadership Model. Why has it survived the test of time? What are its strengths and weaknesses in today’s environment?
10.Synthesize the importance of psychological dimensions of leadership such as emotional intelligences and the spiritual dimensions of leadership.
11.Identify and describe three factors that lead to effective personal leadership in organizations today.
12.What factors drive dependent and interdependent behavior in leaders in organizations?

Reference Readings:
1. Character and Leadership: Situating Servant Leadership in a Proposed Virtues Framework
Read “Character and Leadership: Situating Servant Leadership in a Proposed Virtues Framework” by Lanctot and Irving, from Regent University School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship (2007).


2. Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment
Explore the Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment Website. This organization promotes investment in companies that hold values around social responsibility.

AvaTrade Review

3. MIT World
Explore the MIT World Website.


4. Managing for Value: Developing a Performance Measurement System Integrating Economic Value Added and the Balanced Scorecard in Strategic Planning
5.Read “Managing for Value: Developing a Performance Measurement System Integrating Economic Value Added and the Balanced Scorecard in Strategic Planning” by Fletcher and Smith, from the Journal of Business Strategies (2004).

6. Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function
Read “Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function” by Jensen, from Business Ethics Quarterly (2002).
7. The Impact of Justice Climate and Justice Orientation on Work Outcomes: A Cross-Level Multifoci Framework
Read “The Impact of Justice Climate and Justice Orientation on Work Outcomes: A Cross-Level Multifoci Framework” by Liao and Rupp, from the Journal of Applied Psychology (2005).

8. The Role of Values in Servant Leadership
Read “The Role of Values in Servant Leadership” by Russell, from Leadership and Organization Development Journal (2001).

9. The Stakeholder Model of Organizational Leadership
Read “The Stakeholder Model of Organizational Leadership” by Schneider, from Organization Science (2002).
10. Balanced Scorecards: A Rising Trend in Strategic Performance Measurement
Read “Balanced Scorecards: A Rising Trend in Strategic Performance Measurement” by Sim and Koh, from Measuring Business Excellence (2001).
11. The Value of Corporate Values
Read “The Value of Corporate Values” by Van Lee, Fabish, and McGaw, from Strategy+Business (2005).


12. Spirituality at Work: A Conceptualization and Measure
Read “Spirituality at Work: A Conceptualization and Measure” by Ashmos and Duchon, from the Journal of Management Inquiry (2000).

13. Survival of the Fittest
Read “Survival of the Fittest” by Cochrane, from Design Week (2002).

14. Shareholder Value, Stakeholder Management, and Social Issues: What’s the Bottom Line?
Read “Shareholder Value, Stakeholder Management, and Social Issues: What’s the Bottom Line?” by Hillman and Keim, from Strategic Management Journal (2001).

15. A Correlation of Servant Leadership, Leader Trust, and Organizational Trust
Read “A Correlation of Servant Leadership, Leader Trust, and Organizational Trust” by Joseph and Winston, from Leadership and Organization Development Journal (2005).
16. The Voice of the Stakeholder: Is Sustainability Sustainable? Twelve Works Argue There is Value in ‘Corporate Values’
17.Read “The Voice of the Stakeholder: Is Sustainability Sustainable? Twelve Works Argue There is Value in ‘Corporate Values’” by Samuelson and Birchard, from Strategy+Business (2003).


18. Leading Change
Read “Leading Change” by Cameron, from Leadership Excellence (2006).
19. The Rhythm of Change
Read “The Rhythm of Change” by Huy and Mintzberg, from MIT Sloan Management Review (2003).

20. Organizational Models and Facilitators of Change: Providing a Framework for Student and Academic Affairs Collaboration
Read “Organizational Models and Facilitators of Change: Providing a Framework for Student and Academic Affairs Collaboration” by Kezar, from New Directions in Higher Education (2001).
21. The Possibility Horizon
Read “The Possibility Horizon” by Lloyd and Maguire, from the Journal of Change Management (2002).
22. A Change Management Process: Grounded in Both Theory and Practice
Read “A Change Management Process: Grounded in Both Theory and Practice” by Mento, Jones, and Dirndorfer, from the Journal of Change Management (2002).

23. Stakeholder Influences in Organizational Survival Read “Stakeholder Influences in Organizational Survival” by Pajunen, from the Journal of Management Studies (2006).
Spirituality and Ethics in Business
24.Read “Spirituality and Ethics in Business” by McLaughlin, located on The Center for Visionary Leadership Web site.


25. Behaviour Change and Environmental Citizenship: A Case for Spiritual Development?
26.Read “Behaviour Change and Environmental Citizenship: A Case for Spiritual Development?” by Ashley, from the International Journal of Children’s Spirituality (2000).
27. Authentic Leaders
Read “Authentic Leaders” by George, from Leadership Excellence (2005).
28. Contextual Implications for Transformational and Servant Leadership: A Historical Investigation
29.Read “Contextual Implications for Transformational and Servant Leadership: A Historical Investigation” by Humphreys, from Management Decision (2005).
30. A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach: The DIT and Schema Theory
Read “A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach: The DIT and Schema Theory” by Rest, Narvaez, Babeau, and Thoma, from Educational Psychology Review (1999).

31. Exploring the Dynamics of Business Values: A Self-Affirmation Perspective
Read “Exploring the Dynamics of Business Values: A Self-Affirmation Perspective” by Watson, Papamarcos, Teague, and Bean, from Journal of Business Ethics (2004).

Topic: Servant Leadership Questions Paper

Servant Leadership Questions Paper
Please answer each question separately and in order
1.Synthesize how the concepts of culture, organizational values, individual values, and stakeholder value creation are related. Why is their alignment important for the long term success of an organization?
2.What is the importance of stakeholders to effective leadership?
3.How does values-based leadership lead to value creation for stakeholders?
4.Based on the reading and two additional articles you research (on values such as trust, spirituality, social consciousness, sustainability, environmental protectionism, social responsibility, etc.), hypothesize the importance of two of these values as far as adding value to customers and society
5.Synthesize three examples of how an organizational leader can contribute to society through his or her leadership role in their organization.
6.Some experts say that the focus of trustees and senior leaders in “for-profit companies” should be on creating shareholder wealth and maximizing profitability. Other experts say the company must serve a higher purpose and make a contribution to society. Provide two arguments for both sides of this argument with support from research.
7.Based on this week’s reading and two articles from 2003 or later, select two contemporary change leadership models. Compare them. Explain why they would be appropriate for today’s chaotic, fast-paced global environment.
8.Define the concepts/skill of dialogue. Identify its importance to change leadership and achieving shared understanding.
9.One of the leading change leadership models today worldwide was developed by John Kotter over 20 years ago. Describe Kotter’s Change Leadership Model. Why has it survived the test of time? What are its strengths and weaknesses in today’s environment?
10.Synthesize the importance of psychological dimensions of leadership such as emotional intelligences and the spiritual dimensions of leadership.
11.Identify and describe three factors that lead to effective personal leadership in organizations today.
12.What factors drive dependent and interdependent behavior in leaders in organizations?

Reference Readings:
1. Character and Leadership: Situating Servant Leadership in a Proposed Virtues Framework
Read “Character and Leadership: Situating Servant Leadership in a Proposed Virtues Framework” by Lanctot and Irving, from Regent University School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship (2007).


2. Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment
Explore the Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment Website. This organization promotes investment in companies that hold values around social responsibility.

AvaTrade Review

3. MIT World
Explore the MIT World Website.


4. Managing for Value: Developing a Performance Measurement System Integrating Economic Value Added and the Balanced Scorecard in Strategic Planning
5.Read “Managing for Value: Developing a Performance Measurement System Integrating Economic Value Added and the Balanced Scorecard in Strategic Planning” by Fletcher and Smith, from the Journal of Business Strategies (2004).

6. Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function
Read “Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function” by Jensen, from Business Ethics Quarterly (2002).
7. The Impact of Justice Climate and Justice Orientation on Work Outcomes: A Cross-Level Multifoci Framework
Read “The Impact of Justice Climate and Justice Orientation on Work Outcomes: A Cross-Level Multifoci Framework” by Liao and Rupp, from the Journal of Applied Psychology (2005).

8. The Role of Values in Servant Leadership
Read “The Role of Values in Servant Leadership” by Russell, from Leadership and Organization Development Journal (2001).

9. The Stakeholder Model of Organizational Leadership
Read “The Stakeholder Model of Organizational Leadership” by Schneider, from Organization Science (2002).
10. Balanced Scorecards: A Rising Trend in Strategic Performance Measurement
Read “Balanced Scorecards: A Rising Trend in Strategic Performance Measurement” by Sim and Koh, from Measuring Business Excellence (2001).
11. The Value of Corporate Values
Read “The Value of Corporate Values” by Van Lee, Fabish, and McGaw, from Strategy+Business (2005).


12. Spirituality at Work: A Conceptualization and Measure
Read “Spirituality at Work: A Conceptualization and Measure” by Ashmos and Duchon, from the Journal of Management Inquiry (2000).

13. Survival of the Fittest
Read “Survival of the Fittest” by Cochrane, from Design Week (2002).

14. Shareholder Value, Stakeholder Management, and Social Issues: What’s the Bottom Line?
Read “Shareholder Value, Stakeholder Management, and Social Issues: What’s the Bottom Line?” by Hillman and Keim, from Strategic Management Journal (2001).

15. A Correlation of Servant Leadership, Leader Trust, and Organizational Trust
Read “A Correlation of Servant Leadership, Leader Trust, and Organizational Trust” by Joseph and Winston, from Leadership and Organization Development Journal (2005).
16. The Voice of the Stakeholder: Is Sustainability Sustainable? Twelve Works Argue There is Value in ‘Corporate Values’
17.Read “The Voice of the Stakeholder: Is Sustainability Sustainable? Twelve Works Argue There is Value in ‘Corporate Values’” by Samuelson and Birchard, from Strategy+Business (2003).


18. Leading Change
Read “Leading Change” by Cameron, from Leadership Excellence (2006).
19. The Rhythm of Change
Read “The Rhythm of Change” by Huy and Mintzberg, from MIT Sloan Management Review (2003).

20. Organizational Models and Facilitators of Change: Providing a Framework for Student and Academic Affairs Collaboration
Read “Organizational Models and Facilitators of Change: Providing a Framework for Student and Academic Affairs Collaboration” by Kezar, from New Directions in Higher Education (2001).
21. The Possibility Horizon
Read “The Possibility Horizon” by Lloyd and Maguire, from the Journal of Change Management (2002).
22. A Change Management Process: Grounded in Both Theory and Practice
Read “A Change Management Process: Grounded in Both Theory and Practice” by Mento, Jones, and Dirndorfer, from the Journal of Change Management (2002).

23. Stakeholder Influences in Organizational Survival Read “Stakeholder Influences in Organizational Survival” by Pajunen, from the Journal of Management Studies (2006).
Spirituality and Ethics in Business
24.Read “Spirituality and Ethics in Business” by McLaughlin, located on The Center for Visionary Leadership Web site.


25. Behaviour Change and Environmental Citizenship: A Case for Spiritual Development?
26.Read “Behaviour Change and Environmental Citizenship: A Case for Spiritual Development?” by Ashley, from the International Journal of Children’s Spirituality (2000).
27. Authentic Leaders
Read “Authentic Leaders” by George, from Leadership Excellence (2005).
28. Contextual Implications for Transformational and Servant Leadership: A Historical Investigation
29.Read “Contextual Implications for Transformational and Servant Leadership: A Historical Investigation” by Humphreys, from Management Decision (2005).
30. A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach: The DIT and Schema Theory
Read “A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach: The DIT and Schema Theory” by Rest, Narvaez, Babeau, and Thoma, from Educational Psychology Review (1999).

31. Exploring the Dynamics of Business Values: A Self-Affirmation Perspective
Read “Exploring the Dynamics of Business Values: A Self-Affirmation Perspective” by Watson, Papamarcos, Teague, and Bean, from Journal of Business Ethics (2004).





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Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

Order Description

Create a servant leadership paper (1,000-1,250 words) that addresses the following:

1. “Although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and Jesus Christ, it is totally compatible with most religions and theories of philosophy.” Using one leadership theory and one other philosophical or religious viewp01oint (apart from Christianity or its denominations), explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement above by applying Greenleaf’s characteristics of servant leadership as the criteria for your evaluation.
2. Describe one attribute or capacity of servant leadership and provide a concrete example of when you have seen a leader demonstrate that capacity. What power base(s) was/were used in this situation? Describe the impact the leader’s behavior had on the situation.
3. Explain the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence and the role they play in enabling you, as a leader, to model the capacities of characteristics of servant leadership.
4. Include at least four academic resources as references to support your position.

This paper is not a political or religious assignment. This assignment should foster critical thinking as it relates to this module’s topic and objectives, and presents the student with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions.

This assignment will be graded using the “Servant Leadership Paper Rubric.” Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment.

MGT-420 Resource: Module 6 Servant Leadership Paper Grading Rubric

1)    Discusses the following perspective: Although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and Jesus Christ, it is totally compatible with most religions and theories of philosophy. Student conducts a comparative study using Greenleaf’s characteristics of servant leadership (based upon Christianity) against one other religion or philosophy (apart from Christianity) and one other leadership theory.
2)    Explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement above.   (Justify with appropriate references.)
**This paper is not a political or religious assignment. This assignment should foster critical thinking as it relates to the topic and objectives of this module, and presents the student with an opportunity to explore other theories, philosophies, and religion.    25
3)    Describes one attribute or capacity of servant leadership (from Greenleaf’s attributes).    5
4)    Describes an example where you have seen a leader demonstrate that capacity. What impact did the leader’s behavior have on the situation?    10
5)    Describes the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence and the roles they play in enabling you as a leader to model the capacities or characteristics of servant leadership.     20
6)    Uses at least four academic sources.    10
7)    Student prepares all answers and comments according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract was not required.    6
8)    Paragraph Development and Transitions
Student’s work has a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The student is careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Individually and collectively, paragraphs are coherent and cohesive.    8
9)    Mechanics of Writing
a)    Student is clearly in control of standard, written American English.
b)    All work includes correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
c)    Similarity Index less than or equal to 15% *Instructor discretion advisable    8
10)    Language Use and Audience Awareness
a)    Student used correct sentence construction, word choice, etc.
b)    Student uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in unique and creative ways that are appropriate to the purpose, discipline, and scope.
c)    Assignment is within the required word count.    8
TOTAL    100

After the total has been added together, calculate the following: ___/100 x 10% =

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Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

Order Description

Create a servant leadership paper (1,000-1,250 words) that addresses the following:

1. “Although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and Jesus Christ, it is totally compatible with most religions and theories of philosophy.” Using one leadership theory and one other philosophical or religious viewpoint (apart from Christianity or its denominations), explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement above by applying Greenleaf’s characteristics of servant leadership as the criteria for your evaluation.
2. Describe one attribute or capacity of servant leadership and provide a concrete example of when you have seen a leader demonstrate that capacity. What power base(s) was/were used in this situation? Describe the impact the leader’s behavior had on the situation.
3. Explain the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence and the role they play in enabling you, as a leader, to model the capacities of characteristics of servant leadership.
4. Include at least four academic resources as references to support your position.

This paper is not a political or religious assignment. This assignment should foster critical thinking as it relates to this module’s topic and objectives, and presents the student with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions.

This assignment will be graded using the “Servant Leadership Paper Rubric.” Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment.

MGT-420 Resource: Module 6 Servant Leadership Paper Grading Rubric

1)    Discusses the following perspective: Although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and Jesus Christ, it is totally compatible with most religions and theories of philosophy. Student conducts a comparative study using Greenleaf’s characteristics of servant leadership (based upon Christianity) against one other religion or philosophy (apart from Christianity) and one other leadership theory.
2)    Explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement above.   (Justify with appropriate references.)
**This paper is not a political or religious assignment. This assignment should foster critical thinking as it relates to the topic and objectives of this module, and presents the student with an opportunity to explore other theories, philosophies, and religion.    25
3)    Describes one attribute or capacity of servant leadership (from Greenleaf’s attributes).    5
4)    Describes an example where you have seen a leader demonstrate that capacity. What impact did the leader’s behavior have on the situation?    10
5)    Describes the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence and the roles they play in enabling you as a leader to model the capacities or characteristics of servant leadership.     20
6)    Uses at least four academic sources.    10
7)    Student prepares all answers and comments according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract was not required.    6
8)    Paragraph Development and Transitions
Student’s work has a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The student is careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Individually and collectively, paragraphs are coherent and cohesive.    8
9)    Mechanics of Writing
a)    Student is clearly in control of standard, written American English.
b)    All work includes correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
c)    Similarity Index less than or equal to 15% *Instructor discretion advisable    8
10)    Language Use and Audience Awareness
a)    Student used correct sentence construction, word choice, etc.
b)    Student uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in unique and creative ways that are appropriate to the purpose, discipline, and scope.
c)    Assignment is within the required word count.    8
TOTAL    100

After the total has been added together, calculate the following: ___/100 x 10% =

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