“During the second half of the semester, you’ll be writing a 700–1,000 word essay on the class wiki. You may write it on any question of your own choosing that meets with my approval. My only bottom-line restrictions are these: (1) your question must be of philosophical interest, and (2) your essay must take the form of a carefully reasoned defense of an answer to your question coupled with a response to at least one question or objection you anticipate your readers might have about your position. In the course of your presentation, you must take care to characterize Schopenhauer’s positions and arguments as accurately as you can and to present your own position and argument or arguments as clearly and carefully as you can. You’re required to submit both a first draft and a final draft. The quality of the final draft will be worth 20% of your grade. The penalty for the unexcused late submission of either draft of the essay will be a reduction by ten points (the equivalent of one letter grade) of your final essay grade for each calendar day either draft is late—down to a “floor” of 55%. The deadline for the first draft is the end of the day (midnight) on Friday, March 25, and the deadline for the final draft is the end of the day (midnight) on Friday, May 6.”
Schopenhauer and the concept of death