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School Plan Description: Working in small groups (3-4), the candidates will prepare a school plan in accordance with SEC guidelines. The final document will be no more than 10 pages in length and will include the following elements. This assignment is worth 30% of your final grade.

1. The school’s mission, vision and admissions criteria (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria
• Provide a short and concise statement briefly defining the direction and purpose of the school. It should indicate what the school intends to do, for whom, and to what degree (vision).
• Indicate the age range to be taught at the school (primary, preparatory, secondary) as well as the gender of the students.
• Provide a brief statement of the qualities you would like to see in the students who graduate from your school (mission).
• Describe the key principles of your admissions policy for the school. 1. The vision refers to skills, qualities, a broad and balanced curriculum.
2. Aims to meet the needs of all abilities.
3. Stresses the importance of high levels of achievement.
4. Nourishes the Islamic faith, values and national aspirations.
5. Written in a way which is clear and understandable by all stakeholders.
6. The age range is in line with SEC policy (see below).
7. The admissions policy is in line with SEC requirements.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 5 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.
2. Educational Goals (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Identify how you plan to encourage all students to make the most of their talents
• Describe how you will make classrooms exciting places in which to learn
• Describe how you will be measurably accountable for high performance standards
• Describe how you plan to involve parents in the education of their children and how you will be responsive to their needs
• Identify how you plan to develop young men and women who are in demand by the next level of education
• Identify how you plan to nourish the Islamic faith, values and national aspirations.
1. The Education Goals are in line with SEC guidelines.
2. The goals are realistic but challenging.
3. The goals indicate an appropriate response to the aims of the Reform objectives.
4. The goals encompass wider curriculum objectives as well national requirements.
5. The goals include the promotion of Islamic faith, values and national aspirations.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 4 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.

3. The Curriculum (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Describe how your philosophy of education will be translated into a broad and balanced and relevant curriculum for your students [taking into account SEC standards and requirements]
• Describe the teaching methods that will be used in your school
• State the subjects offered and instruction language
• Identify how ICT be embedded across the curriculum to support students’ learning
• Describe how will you ensure that students develop the ICT skills that they need
• Identify extra curricular activities which you will offer to students
• Identify how the learning needs of all students will be met [individual needs]
1. The curriculum statement is appropriate for the type of school (age).
2. The plan reflects an awareness of the need for a broad and balanced curriculum.
3. The plan addresses more than simply the national standards.
4. Appropriate teaching and learning strategies are identified.
5. There is an awareness of ICT, both as a separate subject and also as a tool to be used across curriculum areas.
6. There is an awareness of strategies for ensuring that all students are able to access the curriculum (entitlement).
7. The curriculum plan is in line with the vision and mission statements.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 5 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.
4. Assessment of student progress and performance (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Identify the purposes of the assessment process in the school you would like to operate.
• Describe how the curriculum and instruction be aligned with standards.
• Describe how you will ensure that students receive communication of progress and areas for improvement through marking, feedback and reports.
• Identify the processes to be used for gathering and analyzing information. 1. There is an awareness of the purposes of assessment.
2. There is an awareness of the different types of assessment and when they would be used.
3. There is an awareness that assessment processes need to relate to clear objectives (e.g. curriculum standards, learning objectives, individual goals).
4. There is a significant focus on the provision of feed-back to students so as to empower them and help them to improve.
5. Assessment is not simply seen as an end of year experience for determining grade advancement potential.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 5 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.
5. Student Behavior (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Identify how you will ensure that there are high standards of behavior in your new school.
• Describe the systems you will put in place to support students in the school. 1. There is an awareness of both proactive and reactive strategies.
2. There is a focus on the positive rather than the negative.
3. Provision is made for pastoral care and counseling.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 2 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.

6. School Governance (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Describe your new school’s governance structure (Board of Trustees).
• Identify the key roles and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees.
• Describe the relationship between governance and management in your new school.
• Identify strategies for recruiting Board members.
1. There is a clear explanation of the role of the Board of Trustees.
2. Consideration has been given as to how to recruit and elect members.
3. There is a clear understanding of the relationship between the BOT and the management team.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 2 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met
7. School Management (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Describe your new school’s management structure.
• Identify the key roles and responsibilities of your proposed management structure.
• Describe your plans for the administration of the school.
• Describe your plans for managing the school’s budget.
• Identify how you will manage the school to ensure the best learning opportunities for students.
1. There is a viable and effective management structure.
2. The allocation of responsibilities is clear, realistic and practical.
3. Decision making and reporting lines are clear.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 2 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met
8. Personnel (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Describe your proposed staffing structure.
• Identify how you will work to reach the required levels of Qatarisation in your school.
1. The staffing plan is sound and not too top-heavy.
2. There is an organizational structure for all staff.
3. There are detailed plans for promoting Qatarisation.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 2 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.

9. Professional development (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria
• Identify your philosophy in relation to professional development for all staff.
• Identify the strategies you would use to ensure that professional development needs are identified and met.
• Describe how you would ensure that professional development opportunities have an impact on the quality of teaching and learning in the school. 1. The proposals are consistent with the mission and vision statements and with the curriculum plan.
2. There is evidence of strategies for assessing the needs of individual members of staff as well as the school as a whole.
3. Strategies are described for enabling the management team to evaluate the effectiveness of the professional development process.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 2 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.
10. Involving parents and members of the community (3 points)
Task Requirements Evaluation Criteria

• Describe your philosophy in relation to involving parents and the local community in the educational process.
• Identify the practical ways in which parents and community members can be involved in the life of the school.
1. Evidence of parental involvement in governance and in other aspects of school life.
2. A clear commitment to the value of involving parents in the education process.
3. Evidence of strategies to communicate effectively with parents and the community.
4. Evidence of plans to make school facilities available to parents and the community.

Credit (3 points) will be given if 2 or more of these criteria are met. Partial credit (1 point) may be given if some, but not all, criteria are met.
SEC Policies

Admission policy guidelines

• No restrictions on admission based on ability
• No entrance tests (although diagnostic tests may be used for placement purposes after a student has been offered a place)
• A transparent waiting list system
• No expulsions without BOT and ISO approval
• No changes in numbers or grades without the approval of the EI)
• Grade allocation to be in alignment with chronological age (as set out in the Admissions Policy)
• Number of students in a school should not exceed 625 in a building delivered after 2003 and 500 for schools prior to this date
• Number of students in each classroom not to exceed 20 (kindergarten) and 25 in grades 1-12

Curriculum guidelines

• This section must include the following statement verbatim “The school curriculum will be in alignment with the Qatari Curriculum Standards as developed by the Supreme Education Council”.
• Curricular materials and guidelines from other countries can be used as a resource but not as a curriculum itself.
• Social Studies and Islamic Studies must be part of the curriculum. Schools are required to make use of Ministry of Education materials and guidelines for these two subjects.
• Science, maths and ICT should be taught in English in grades one to four and other grades will see a gradual introduction of English as the medium of instruction
• The standards assume that the school year would be 900-990 hours excluding the national events and examinations.
• Secondary schools will be required to provide instruction at both foundation and advanced levels
• Teaching of Arabic , English and maths will need at least :
o 16% for grades from 1-6 (144 hours)
o 13% for grades from 7-9 (117 hours)
o 10% for grades from 10-12 fundamental level (90 hours)
o 15% for grades from 10-12 advanced level (135 hours)
• Teaching science will need as least :
o 10% for grades from 1-4 (90 hours
o 12% for grades from 5-6 (115 hours)
o 13% for grades from 7-8 (117 hours)
o 20% for grade 9 (180 hours)
o 20% for grades from 10-12 fundamental level (180 hours)
o 20% for grades from 10-12 advanced level (180 hours)
o 20% for grades from 10-12 advanced level (180 hours)
o 30% for grade 12 advanced (270 hours – for all three subjects in science i.e. 10% per subject)
• ICT should be used and employed as a teaching tool (integration with various curriculum areas), as well as a discrete area of study.
• Teaching and learning strategies should be consistent with the school’s mission and vision statements
• The school is required to ensure the effective and appropriate selection and use of multi-purpose resources
• The school should take steps to provide effective health and safety procedures, particularly in science laboratories.

Assessment guidelines
• Students will participate, each year, in national standardized assessments in the four core subjects (Arabic, English, mathematics and science)
• A variety of additional assessment strategies will be used
• Assessment used for both formative and summative purposes
• Self assessment encouraged
• Diagnostic, criterion referenced, norm-referenced and evaluative assessment strategies used.
• Students will be taught in age-appropriate grades except in exceptional circumstances
• Grade advancement will be automatic, except in exceptional circumstances ( e.g. where the need can be demonstrated through reference to the student’s individual education plan)
Behavior management guidelines
• Pro-active and reactive strategies used
• Code of behavior established
• Good behavior rewarded
• Stepped approach to sanctions
• No corporal punishment
• No expulsions without BOT and ISO approval
• Students removed from class on a temporary basis will be supervised in another location and provided with work
Board of Trustee guidelines
• A minimum of 9 members.
• At least 51% parents.
• All members elected by democratic process.
• Education Institute informed about board members by November 1st
• The operator / principal works with the BOT to develop a strategic plan
• The operator / principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school
• The senior management team supports the operator / principal
• The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that the school is accountable to parents and SEC

Management guidelines
• A sound management structure should be in place
• A management team should be established
• Members of the management team should have clear roles and responsibilities
• Roles and responsibilities should be in line with experience and qualifications and formalized in clear job descriptions
• The management approach should identify strategies for both long term strategic planning and day to day management
• Strategies should be in place for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of school management
• There should be a clear separation of governance and management

Staff guidelines
• Minimum % of Qatari teaching staff in year one (increasing in years two and three) ;
Girls Primary 70%, Girls Preparatory 60%, Girls Secondary 60%, Boys Model 70%, Boys Primary 30%, Boys Preparatory 25%, Boys secondary 20%
• There should be a clear plan as to how Qatari staff will be recruited, trained and provided with professional development opportunities
• Reference should be made to Labor Law in relation to the employment of non-Qataris

Professional development guidelines
• A professional development coordinator will be appointed in the school
• The school is required to produce a PD plan, in line with SEC requirements
• The objectives contained in the PD plan will reflect the school’s mission and vision and SEC requirements and priorities
Parental involvement guidelines
• There should be measurable goals for parental and community involvement and clear strategies for achieving them

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