School counselors are required to demonstrate effective leadership roles to facilitate the realization of overall student success. This implies that student counselors ought to apply effective leadership approaches aims at the persuasion of educational goals in an institution. The leadership model should base on shared vision, which guarantees the participation of both the leader and the follower (Hargens, 1999).I have served as a leader under various situations. One of the most outstanding role that I played as a leader was to chair the sales committee of a business enterprise. In this context, I was in charge of ensuring that people usually reported on time and attended to their duties in an orderly manner. This meant that I had to deploy the use of authoritative leadership in order to get things done right and in a timely fashion. Despite basing the leadership approach on authority, I had to lead by example in order to gain the favor of those under me. The use of authoritarian leadership is not appropriate. However the situation demanded the use of authority in order foster effective carrying out of responsibilities (Brown & Trusty, 2005).There are diverse leadership qualities that I possess. One such quality is charisma. Charisma entails gaining a persuasion from those under you. This means that as a leader I had the responsibility to appeal to those under me. Another significant characteristic that I had for effective leadership was integrity. Integrity means that a leader ensures that the organizational values and principles are adhered, in order to realize the goals and objectives of the organization. In addition, I was flexible; this meant that as a leader, I had to adapt to the changing needs of those under me.There are significant aspects of my leadership approach that requires improvement. One of them is the need to incorporate motivational leadership in my leading practice. My leadership approach also lacks the concept of empowering and developing people. Empowering people involves motivating those under a leader towards the realization of both the organizational and individual goals and objectives.Catrina is correct when she asserts that that school counselors actually play the role of leaders since they participate in activities such as advocacy for students and ensure collaborations with other parties. It is important to note that school counselors play a significant role in the realization of educational achievement; this in itself is a transformational approach to leadership. As a head of the fundraising committee, the learner assumed the role of leadership through his involvement in various activities that aimed at the realization of the goals and objectives of the committee. In this context, the leadership approach is participative, which involves collective decision-making and the leaders participation in undertaking the daily activities of the fundraising committee (Brown & Trusty, 2005). With this regard, the learner identified an appropriate situation that she served as a leader. It is important to note the leader has the responsibility of making final decision basing on the views of the members of the organization. Working with Catrina as a co-leader will not be an easy task, because of the way in she associates the decision making model through vesting the authority of the leader to influence the final decision. In the quest co-lead with Catrina, it will be important that the leadership model that we will use should embrace a few elements of participative leadership such as participation in the involvement of organizational activities. Elements such as the leader being imperial in the final decision are not necessary. An integration of transformational and participative leadership is an important approach to leadership since it puts into consideration the needs of the followers without impairing the leadership process (Reese, 2005). This means that the neither the needs of the followers or the leadership process is overlooked at the expense of one another. It is also imperative that Catrina has to improve on her communication skills in order to lead efficiently as a school counselor (Hargens, 1999).Tammy on the other hand argues that leadership entails influencing others in the quest towards the accomplishment of a mission using strategies such as the outlining of mission, direction and using motivation. This concept of leadership is too general, although school counselors to motivate the students in the realization of educational goals can apply it. Tammy suggests that transformational leadership is an effective leadership approach in the case of a group leader for a course, because it primarily aims at improving the educational standards for the group members (Reese, 2005). With regard to effective leadership qualities, Tammy Contends to aspects such as cooperative, motivational and proactive leadership. These approaches are effective in administering leadership that entails motivating a group of people towards the realization of a common objective, which in this case is educational improvement. Co-leading with Tammy will not be difficult, since his leadership strategies are lay more emphasis on the needs of the group. An effective approach to co-lead with Tammy will involve integrating the leadership elements such as motivational strategy with moral leadership. Tammys approach to leadership in the context of student counseling is more effective compared to Catrinas leadership strategies (Hargens, 1999).
School counselors as leaders