Moral Wrong or Civil Right? By Tricia Andryszewski Be sure to incorporate in-paragraph citations in accordance with MLA format. Paper must include an abstract, a title page, page numbers and a works cited page in accordance with MLA format. The website listed below is extremely useful in learning the proper way to write an abstract. For this paper, students will be required to read one of the books listed below. The objectives of the paper are as follows: • A summary on the book. • Analysis and explanation of the political and historical significance of the book. (What important historical/ political insight was provided in the book) This section is an analysis; it should not be a continuation of the summary. Be sure to apply as many applicable ideas (we discussed in class) as possible. Use outside research to enrich your analysis. • In your analysis you may wish to discuss some of the ideas I listed below: o Utilize other sources to further address the main agenda of the book. o Provide some background information on the author of the book. o If your book deals with a current event you may wish to utilize newspapers and other periodicals to keep your work as up to date as possible. o If your book is a biographical account, be sure to utilize outside resources to help discuss why this particular individual was historically and politically significant. • Your report should also contain a conclusion. In this section students should tie everything together. Some ideas you may wish to include in your conclusion are: o Explain whether you agreed or disagreed with the ideas discussed in the book. o Did you feel the book was biased? o Would you recommend this book to someone else? must be 7-9 pages!
Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage
In advance of class in week 4 students should locate a source on their group topic to class that will be incorporated into the group presentation. This source could be a primary or a secondary source. If it is a primary source students should ensure it is a reputable source of information (ie. newspaper article, map, statistical report). If it is a secondary source it must be scholarly (ie. peer reviewed journal article, chapter from an edited book).
use a newspaper article, please use a newspaper article (preferably american newspaper) and link it to me as early as possible.
Students must then write a 400-word summary of this source outlining its connection to the group presentation topic and how it might be useful in the presentation. What kind of information does it include? Does it present an argument about the topic? You will present the information in this summary to your group in class in week 4 and then submit a print out of the document to your seminar leader at the end of class. Please ensure your name and student number are on the document.
Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage
In advance of class in week 4 students should locate a source on their group topic to class that will be incorporated into the group presentation. This source could be a primary or a secondary source. If it is a primary source students should ensure it is a reputable source of information (ie. newspaper article, map, statistical report). If it is a secondary source it must be scholarly (ie. peer reviewed journal article, chapter from an edited book).
use a newspaper article, please use a newspaper article (preferably american newspaper) and link it to me as early as possible.
Students must then write a 400-word summary of this source outlining its connection to the group presentation topic and how it might be useful in the presentation. What kind of information does it include? Does it present an argument about the topic? You will present the information in this summary to your group in class in week 4 and then submit a print out of the document to your seminar leader at the end of class. Please ensure your name and student number are on the document.