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Rubric and Instructions for Healthy Cooking for Children Across America

Paper details:Healthy Cooking for Children across America: Regional US Rubric (PowerPoint – 25-30 Minute Presentation)
Category 5-4 3 2 0
Regional profile of states represented, and ethnic populations represented in region Excellent details and accurate facts with respect to the region’s profile and ethnic representation. Good details about region. A few details and some accurate facts to the regions profile. Content is incomplete. Major points are not clear.
Specialties for region/traditional fare Each of the state specialties (Explain at a child’s level how did history and economics bring about these specialties). Most interesting details are presented.
Excellent details and accurate facts with respect to states food history and economics. Good details but some details are repetitious. Some details and accurate facts with respect to states food and history. Good details but some details are repetitious. Food or history about state food is missing. Only a few details are provided.
Limited details about states food, history or economics.
Highlight the special spices and herbal remedies Excellent details and accurate facts with respect to interesting facts about herbal remedies or special spices. Good details, but highlighting most interesting facts a problem. Almost no details about spices or herbal remedies given No details about spices or herbal remedies given or are given endlessly.
Plan a dinner menu using one state’s specialties – Complete nutrient analysis of menu. Explain results so child can understand. Content is comprehensive, accurate, and well supported. Content is accurate but not supported. Content is inaccurate and one or more reference are a problem Content is incomplete Not supported. by reference
2 recipes using most typical foods that would be child friendly to prepare Accurate and well supported by resource Accurate but not supported by a resource. Would be difficult for a child to prepare. Is incomplete Is not accurate and support comes from unreliable source.
Glossary of terms that would be exciting to a child Excellent glossary of most significant or unrecognized terms. (Eight or more terms given) Good glossary of mostly unrecognized terms (less than 8 terms) Glossary gives mostly recognizable terms. Glossary is inaccurate to region.
Explain so that it is understandable to a child, how generally individuals of this region could achieve improved health status Conclusion of education/counseling is logical and flows from the rest of presentation. Counseling/education piece is not easy to follow. Counseling does not flow from rest of assignment Education or counseling client is missing.
Spelling and Grammar Presentation has no misspellings, typing errors, or grammatical errors Presentation has 1-2 misspellings, and one grammatical errors Has more than 2 grammatical, misspellings and typing errors. Presentation has more than 6 grammatical and spelling errors
Use of Graphics/Illustrations All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation (reference of original graphic is cited on each graphic) A few graphics are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation. One graphic is not cited. All graphics are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. More than 1 graphic is not cited. Several graphics are unattractive and detract from the content of the presentation OR graphic sources are not cited.
Cooperation/sharing of responsibility/shared equal responsibility for class presentation Group delegates tasks and shares responsibility effectively. Individuals tell audience what aspect of presentation they worked on. Questions were adequately answered. The team/group delegated tasks and shared responsibility most of the time. One seems ill informed about topic. Group shares responsibility effectively some of the time. One of the group/team did most of the speaking for the presentation, or appears to have done most of the work. Questions were not adequately answered.
Reference list in APA format All references are listed in correct APA format on last slide There is 1 or 2 minor errors in reference list according to APA More than 2 errors in reference list according to APA formatting. Obvious that APA was not used in making reference list.
Total __________ Possible 55
Adopted with permission from Dr. Carol Seaborn.

Category 1:
Regional profile of states represented, and ethnic populations represented in region

Use your textbook and/or the US census (link provided in D2L) to list the states then describe the population within your US region or sub-region.

Category 2:
Specialties for region/traditional fare Each of the state specialties (Explain at a child’s level how did history and economics bring about these specialties).

Describe the specialty dishes that are unique to your region or sub-region. List the specialty dishes by state or area within state. How did history and economics bring about these specialty dishes? Research.

Category 3:
Highlight the special spices and herbal remedies

You need to list the special spices and herbal remedies for your region or sub-region. This is pretty straight forward. What did you discover through your readings? Introduce interesting facts about the spices and herbal remedies.

Category 4:
Plan a dinner menu using one state’s specialties – Complete nutrient analysis of menu. Explain results so child can understand.

We are using the NSLP food components/pattern:

M/MA (use one of the state’s specialties)
Dairy (Do children drink milk in the region or sub-region you are studying? If not, what are they drinking as a beverage?)

Use FoodWorks to analyze your menu. Compare your menu with Grades K-5 for calories, saturated fat and sodium. The theme of this presentation is healthy cooking for “children” so we will use grades K-5. In practice, you analyze and average a 5-day week; however, we are planning one meal based on your research. See chart on following page.

Category 4:
2 recipes using most typical foods that would be child friendly to prepare

Select two recipes that are used in your region or sub-region that are child friendly to prepare. What is the skill level of a child in the kitchen? Keep this in mind while selecting your two recipes.

Category 5:
Glossary of terms that would be exciting to a child. Excellent glossary of most significant or unrecognized terms. (Eight or more terms given)

Select the terms and then provide a definition for the class.

Category 6:
Explain so that it is understandable to a child, how generally individuals of this region could achieve improved health status

Explain to the class in child friendly language how to improve the health status of individuals within your region or sub-region or even a state within the sub-region. The key terms are child friendly and how to improve health status. Review your recipes. Are there modifications you would make to the recipes you selected? What are the food habits of the region? What recommendations can you make based on the food habits within the region/sub-region/state?

Category 7-10:

These categories are straight forward; however, if you do not understand, then please ask.

This is what I expect for an oral presentation:

1. Good eye contact.
2. Good posture.
3. Limit vocal fillers. Stay on task. Rehearse. Good delivery.
4. Appropriate language for public speaking, i.e. no slang, etc.
5. Enthusiastic.
6. Time limit is 25 to 30 minutes. 7. Dropbox your presentation!

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