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RP Individual Assignment

RP Individual AssignmentUnit Outcomes Covered:
LO1 Understand how to formulate a research specification
LO2 Be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and
to specification
LO3 Be able to evaluate the research outcomes
LO4 Be able to present the research outcomes

RP Individual Assignment
Assignment Brief
Introduction ::
Relevant For Tasks 1 – 4
Research is more than an Academic Requirement.
Learning about and doing research are of value far beyond that of merely satisfying a
Program or Course requirement. Research Methods and their application to real-world
problems are skills that will serve students for the rest of their lives. The world is full of
problems that beg for solutions; consequently it is full of research activity! The Media
continually bring us news of previously unknown biological and physical phenomena, life
saving medical interventions, and ground-breaking medical innovations – all the outcomes of
Research. Research is not just an Academic term, it is a vital and dynamic force that is
indispensable to the health and well-being of Planet Earth and its human and nonhuman
Research has one end: the discovery of truth. Its purpose is to learn what has never
been known before; to ask a significant question for which no conclusive answer has
previously been found; and, by collecting and interpreting relevant data, to find an
answer to that question.
(Practical research – Planning and Design; 9
th Ed; Paul D. Leedy & Jeanne E. Ormrod. 2010)
In this unit, you will be required to develop skills of independent enquiry and critical analysis
by undertaking a sustained research investigation on an Organisational Topic you might be
familiar with, or have an interest in. You will be required to develop an issue or problem that
you want to research on and conduct research accordingly, in order to deduce findings for the
issues raised.
The TASKS will incorporate the following ::
Firstly, you will learn how to form a Research Proposal for a Short Research Project.
Secondly, you will be asked to carry out the Research Project in accordance with
Research Specifications agreed with your Tutor.
Thirdly, you will be asked to present your findings in a suitable format for
and finally,
You will be asked to submit an Individual Research Report which Evaluates the
Outcomes of your research Project demonstrating capability with visual aids (i.e.
Appendices, Graphs, Flow charts, diagrams, etc.) and gives Future consideration to
the application of the Research results for your Topic of Study and recommendations
for the future.
Tutor Notes
Key Points:
? You should answer ALL questions in this assignment.
? Your work should be handed in by the deadline.
? Your work should be presented using an appropriate project structure that is
appropriate for a Research Proposal.
? The assignment must be your own work and original in all answers to the tasks.
? You are expected to apply Harvard referencing system to acknowledge any
secondary sources of information used to support your work in the assignment.
? You will be expected to check spelling mistakes and grammar before submitting your
? The London School of Business and Management Cover sheet should be used in
every submitted work.
? There should be clarity of expression in your work.
? Your work should demonstrate, for example, relevant factual content and
understanding of the subject, critical analysis, evaluation, justifications, key
arguments, correct use of appropriate models or framework.
? Failure to submit assignment (Non-submission) will result in FAIL as final grade.
Submission Regulations
1. “Assignment Front Cover Sheet” must accompany every submitted work [Cover sheet is
available from our Virtual Learning Environment – Moodle].
2. Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date, via Turnitin. Please refer to
Moodle for detailed assignment submission instructions.
Task 1: The Research Proposal
You will need to prepare a research proposal relating to a specified topic from an area of
business as agreed with your tutor and you must address the following areas:
(a) Based on your chosen problem, formulate and record possible research
project outline specifications (Covers AC1.1)
(Guidance: Here, you are required to create an outline (or Proposal) of your research
project and you must follow outline of a research project specification)
(b) You are required to demonstrate relevant Research knowledge by identifying the
factors that contribute to the process of Research Project Selection and evaluate
them. (Covers AC1.2)
(Guidance: There are several factors that influence the selection of a research project
e.g. 1. Your research project must meet the requirements of the examining body and it
is at the correct level, your genuine interest in the topic, collection of primary data etc.
(c) You will need to undertake a critical review of key references for your chosen
research problem (Covers AC1.3)
Guidance: You will have to provide a critical review of key literature on which your
research will be based. For example if you select motivation as your topic your review
will be based on the research objectives defined earlier in the research objectives
section. That is you will critically evaluate the literature which supports the claim that
there is a strong and positive relationship between each research objective and
(d) Produce a Research Project Specification for your research. (Covers AC1.4)
Guidance Here you are required to discuss the research methodology. Then you
discuss the research strategy; the means you will adopt to collect the primary data.
This could be observations, action research, interviews, Questionnaire survey etc. Next
thing is your data collection method. You have to state whether you will collect
qualitative data or quantitative one. You have to discuss your sample population and
the sampling procedure. The next thing is to discuss the procedure for administering
the questionnaire and analysis of the data collected and how you will present the
findings. Ethical issues involved must be addressed.
(e) Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification
(Covers AC1.5)
Guidance: Research Project plan include Writing the Introduction
Literature review , Developing and Administering the questionnaire
Writing the research methodology, Screening and analysis,
Conclusion and recommendations.
(f) Research requires a different set of resources and you will need to match
resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis chosen by you
(Covers AC2.1)
Guidance: You will need several resources to undertake your research project. You will
have to match the resources efficiently to the research question and research
objectives (hypotheses). Common resources include books, academic journals
electronic databases, peer reviewed academic papers , magazines, conference
reports, trade journals and government report, computer and access to internet. In
searching for relevant materials your key words will be based on the research question
and research objectives (Hypotheses)
M1 – Various research methodologies/approaches to find appropriate resolutions have
been applied.
D3 – Suggested innovative solutions around research methodology have been applied.

(Task 1 covers assessment criteria AC1.1, AC1.2, AC1.3, AC1.4, AC1.5, AC2.1, M1 & D3)
Task 2: Implementing the Research Project
You must be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures
and to Specification to cover the following:
(a) As per chosen research methodologies, undertake the proposed research
investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures
(Covers AC2.2)
(b) Please record and collate relevant data where appropriate, by adopting
systematic recording approaches (Covers AC2.3)
M2 – Relevant research approaches/practices and techniques have been applied .
(Task 2 covers assessment criteria AC2.2, AC2.3 & M2)
Task 3: Evaluation of the Research Outcomes for the
Having carried out the research project, you should demonstrate your
understanding of the research outcomes by addressing the following:
(a) Discuss the findings by using appropriate research evaluation techniques
(Covers AC3.1)
Guidance: The first technique is the evaluation of the research question and objectives.
You must assess if the research question has been clearly defined and the findings are
aligned with the research question and objectives. Evaluation of the sample used in the
research. Is the sample representative of the population. Have the respondents
answered the question truthfully.
Data analysis evaluation. Is the data analysis method appropriate for the type of data
Are the discussions and conclusions fair and free from bias
Have all ethical issues involved in the research been addressed
Have the limitations of the research been clearly explained
(b) Based on the findings, interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original
research specification. (Covers AC3.2)
Guidance: Here you have to use the findings to analyse and interpret the results with
reference to the research problem, research question, research objectives
(Hypotheses). Explain to what extent you consider the findings to be a true
representation of the facts
(c) Based on your analysis in 3.2 above, make recommendations and justify areas
for further consideration (Covers AC3.3)
Guidance: Your recommendations must clearly explain what the researched
organisation must do to solve the problem. Your recommendations must also include
areas that require further research to strengthen your findings. Further research on
your topic would be required to include the dimensions that you have not measured in
your research
M3 – A range of methods of presentation and correct terminology in the research
project have been used.
(Task 3 covers assessment criteria AC3.1, AC3.2, AC3.3 & M3)
Task 4: Presentation of Research Findings
At this final stage, you must present the outcomes of your research :
Use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research
to an audience. (Covers AC4.1)
Guidance: Here you have to present your findings in a report format with headings and
sub-headings. Your findings must be related to the research problem, research
question, research objectives (hypotheses). You also have to show the limitations of
your research
D1 – Conclusions for appropriate research have been reached through combination of
analysis and have been justified.
(Task 4 covers assessment criteria AC4.1 & D1)
D2 – Project has been managed in an effective way, and evidenced independence in
research. Harvard referencing format has been correctly used. This can be show
throughout with regard to organisation of the project.
Grading Criteria (Pass, Merit, Distinction)
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria for Pass
LO1 Understand how to
formulate a research
AC1.1- formulate and record possible research project outline
AC1.2- identify the factors that contribute to the process of
research project selection
AC1.3- undertake a critical review of key references
AC1.4- produce a research project specification
AC1.5- provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the
agreed research specification
LO2 Be able to implement the
research project within agreed
procedures and
to specification
AC2.1- match resources efficiently to the research question
or hypothesis
AC2.2- undertake the proposed research investigation in
accordance with the agreed specification and procedures
AC2.3- record and collate relevant data where appropriate
LO3 Be able to evaluate the
research outcomes AC3.1- use appropriate research evaluation techniques
AC3.2- interpret and analyse the results in terms of the
original research specification
AC3.3- make recommendations and justify areas for further
LO4 Be able to present the
research outcomes
AC4.1-use an agreed format and appropriate media to
present the outcomes of the research to an audience
Grade Descriptors for MERIT Possible evidence
M1 Identify and apply strategies to
find appropriate solutions
M1 – Various research methodologies/approaches to find
appropriate resolutions have been applied (Tasks 1 and
Task 2).
M2 Select / design appropriate
methods / techniques M2 – Relevant research approaches/practices and
techniques have been applied (Tasks 2 and Task 3).
M3 Present and communicate
appropriate findings M3 – A range of methods of presentation and correct
terminology in the research project have been used.
(Tasks 3 and Task 4).
Grade Descriptors for DISTINCTION Possible evidence
D1 Use critical reflection to
evaluate own work and justify valid
D1 – Conclusions for appropriate research have been
reached through combination of analysis and have been
justified (Task 3 and Task 4).
2 Take responsibility for managing
and organising activities
D2 – Project has been managed in an effective way, and
evidenced independence in research. Harvard referencing
format has been correctly used. This can be show
throughout with regard to organisation of the project.
D3 Demonstrate convergent/ lateral
/ creative thinking
D3 – Suggested innovative solutions around research
methodology. There are opportunities to show this in Task
1 and Task 2.

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