1- a- Describe the artistic movement generally known as Romanticism. ? b- Give two examples of romantic film stories (not love stories per se). In each case explain why the film qualifies as exemplary of the movement. 2. Explain the Rule Of Thirds in editing grammar.
3. Discuss one role played by the film score in contributing to impact of a motion picture. Apply your answer to a picture of your choice. Discuss in what way you feel the music aids or detracts from impact of the film.
4. Name 3 principals, or elements, of scene composition that were originally developed by painters in the Western Tradition. In other words, what factors or elements go to make up a well-composed scene in the W.T.?
5. Describe the artistic movement generally known as (German) Expressionism.
6. In terms of the expressionistic movement, we discussed the films of F.W. Murnau, Nosferatu (1922) and Sunrise (1927). Why are these two films generally regarded as exemplary of the expressionistic movement? Discuss in some detail.
7. Define the characteristics of (straight/character) dramatic versus melodramatic film/storylines. Cite appropriate examples and discuss fully.. 8. Name two technological limitations on cinematic expression that films suffered in very early (sync) sound films ca. 1926-1930. 9. Name the visual style that we -discussed in class, used frequently by Stanley Kubrick in his films. The in class example we used is Paths Of Glory (1956). a. We discussed Kubricks making visual statements in Paths Of Glory. is a visual statement in a film? What purpose(s) does it serve? b. What did kubricks visual statements say about what in the film story?
10. some textbook authors distinguish between a restricted and unrestricted point of view in the story, meaning that in the restricted POV the audience knows only what the characters know. In the unrestricted POV the audience knows more than the characters. Please discuss the following:
is this distinction meaningful or not? Or does the filmmaker simply use the POV appropriate to the type of story?
B. Using the text authors distinction, what type of story or stories most readily lends itself or lend themselves to the so called restricted POV? Why?
C. Is it possible for any type of story or story to have a completely unrestricted POV in which the audience knows absolutely everything about the characters, events and outcome of the story? If so, can you name a film story with such a completely unrestricted POV? Why does this film so qualify?
D. Name two film stories with the so called restricted POV and why they qualify as such.
11. We viewed portions of The Black Cat (1934) in class. The production design includes application of the architectural style known as moderne or art deco, especially in Boris Karloffs house, a visual statement by the film as to Karloffs character. What is the statement? What does the film have to say about art deco?
12. Describe Classical Aristotelian dramatic structure.
13. Do you think filmmaker Mark Cousins (Story Of Film series) is right or wrong when he says the advent of sync sound first established the various genres in feature films, such as horror, science fiction, westerns, etc? Whether you think Cousins is right or wrong, elaborate on your answer as to why you think so. You may omit any discussion of musicals as, obviously, before sync sound it was impractical to have musical filmscertainly with any sung numbers. Some major silent films at the end of the silent era did have original instrumental scores. Also omit slapstick comedy, as these types of films did quite well, without sync sound.
14. Why do you think in Citizen Kane Welles puts Kane and Susan Alexander alone in a hugely cavernous room of palatial Xanadu with a grossly oversized fireplace?
15. In terms of the aspects of Film Art we have studied, name a recent film of your choice and tell in detail why you think this film exhibits the best, most creative, application of the various film styles and techniques we have studied so far..