The topic I chose is what role Florida played in the Civil War, this should include exactly when and how Florida became involved with the Civil War, the states opinion on key issues of the time, and how they were involved throughout the entire Civil War as well as the results after the war ended. Please make sure you use in text citation in APA format for each source you use. Do not state information without citing it. Use at least 6 references (my professor wants 5 b ut I want 1 more than that), do not use wikipedia!!
Instructions given by my professor:
For this assignment you will write a 5-6 page research paper that will be based on one of the historical themes presented throughout the textbook, from prehistory to the end of the Civil War and must be 5-6 pages in length excluding title and reference page. Abstract not required.
Written assignments must adhere to APA style guidelines, including citations and reference page. Your written assignment should be original writing. Remember that you may not use any type of dictionary or encyclopedia (including Wikipedia,, etc.) in any research work. You need at least five (5) historically appropriate sources for this paper.
The paper must be in APA format, including citations and a reference page. The paper will be double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, regular margins.
The book we use in class is is History of Florida by Michael Gannon, ISBN:9780813044644 if you would like to use that as a reference