Rhetorical Analysis (Magazine Ad)
Order Description
Choose a magazine ad to work with, write a rhetorical analysis in which you explain how the ad has been designed to persuade the members of its target audience to do something or believe something. Your essay should be at least 6 to 8 paragraphs long (1,000 to 1,200 words in length), and it should explain how the ad uses the three appeals to affect the audience. In particular, you should focus on analyzing the graphic images and/or text to reveal how the messages in the ad are expressed in visual and verbal rhetoric.
Rhetorical Analysis (Magazine Ad)

Rhetorical Analysis (Magazine Ad)

Rhetorical Analysis (Magazine Ad)
Order Description
Choose a magazine ad to work with, write a rhetorical analysis in which you explain how the ad has been designed to persuade the members of its target audience to do something or believe something. Your essay should be at least 6 to 8 paragraphs long (1,000 to 1,200 words in length), and it should explain how the ad uses the three appeals to affect the audience. In particular, you should focus on analyzing the graphic images and/or text to reveal how the messages in the ad are expressed in visual and verbal rhetoric.