Reviewing Kotter’s (1985)
1. Reviewing Kotter’s (1985) suggestions (on page 213) for exercising political influence, what might be examples of more subtle or more forceful methods that he refers to as “Plan B?” In your experience, when have you practiced steps 1 – 3, and if necessary, when have you needed to resort to Step 4?
2. Giant multi-national corporations, like Walmart (see chapter 11) have achieved scale and resources at levels unprecedented in the history of modern organizational dynamics. Such power and control has caused many scholars, pundits, practitioners and citizens to worry that the balance among politics, society and the environment is skewed in favor of multi-national corporations. Others argue that organizations retain their clout by continually adapting to larger social forces and responding to the needs and demands of customers and constituents.
What is your position on the issue? Please give solid examples and/or citations to support your argument.
3. Coalitions form within organizations out of need – member of various groups need one another although their interests may overlap partially. Using the example from the text on NASA and the Challenger accident for how organizations are coalitionsexplain how an organization of which you are familiar is a coalition. What are some of the enduring differences in values, beliefs, information interests and perceptions of reality that you observe or are aware of among the various coalition members in your organization?
4. An assumption of the political frame is that most important decisions involve allocating scarce resources – deciding who gets what, which can put conflict at the center of day-to-day dynamics within organizations.
Again, looking at how this assumption played out in the NASA – Challenger accident, how does this assumption manifest from an example in your own organization, or one of which you are very familiar? What kinds of negotiations, bargaining and jockeying for position was evident as goals and decisions were made in your example?