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Review and evaluate the ‘sample library user questionnaire’ that is attached . You will need to provide a detailed evaluation of each key aspect of the research including its purpose, sample, design, individual items and general effectiveness.

Review and evaluate the ‘sample library user questionnaire’ that is attached . You will need to provide a detailed evaluation of each key aspect of the research including its purpose, sample, design, individual items and general effectiveness.

You need to clearly identify the goals of the research, its method(s) and its potential outcomes.
Provide a detailed evaluation of the questionnaire in terms of items (includes the questions) used, appropriateness of these and the way the research is being presented generally.
Provide an overall summary of your decision as regards its effectiveness to meet the needs of the organisation preparing it.
Provide some consideration as to how you would improve the instrument.
Make reference to your subject readings and your own learning so far this session in your responses. Citations need to be correct to APA standards.


This assessment item is designed to assess your understanding of one very common type of research and how one particular study instrument might be evaluated in order to determine if it can be used to provide a sound basis for library decision making (learning objectives 1, 2, and 3).

Library User Questionnaire

(N.B. This questionnaire is based on an actual document)

In an effort to better serve our customers, we at Example Library are conducting a user survey to evaluate how we may improve the quality of our various services. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions on our library service.

1. I am:    ….. male …… female  ……. uncertain

2. What is your age group?
…….. 10-20      …….. 21-40     ……. 41-64      ……. 65+

3. Are you a member of our library?    ……. Yes     ……. No

4. Where do you live? ………………………………………….

5. If you are a member, from which branches of Example Library do you borrow?

……..Geelong      ……..Grafton    ……..Bathurst Park       ………Croydon    ………Eltham
…….Hurstbridge   ………Walthamstowe      ……..Bandywallop   ………South Kensington
…….London Central      ………..Mobile specify location?   …………………

6. Over the past TWO years, have you visited any other branches of Example Library?
……. Yes     …….. No

If yes, what branch and why?  ……………………………………………………………………………

7. How frequently do you visit the library?
……. More than once a week        ……… Several times a year
……. Weekly                  ………. Twice a year or less
……. Monthly                 ……… This is my first visit

8. Do you visit the Library website?   …….. Yes     …….. No
…….. Was not aware of the library website

9. If you visit the Library website do you:
…… Search the catalogue
…… Use online databases
…… Reserve items on the catalogue
…… Email requests or questions to Library staff

10. What do you usually borrow from the library (you may tick more than one item)?
…… Adult Fiction    ……. Books on tape/CD   …… Large print books …….. Video/DVD
…… Youth/Junior Fiction    …… Magazines     …… Non-fiction ..
…… Children’s picture books    ……. Music CDs
…….Other (please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………..

11. Which of the following was your main reason(s) for coming to the library today?
…… Borrowing for leisure      ……. Personal research
…… Borrowing for information     …….. Information enquiry
…… Work related research      ……. Children’s use
…… Leisure space (lounges etc.)   ……. Study
…… Use computer     …….. Genealogy Research

12. What activities do you attend to while using library computers?
……. Email     ……… Chat / Blogs   …….. Banking    …….. Internet Research
……. Word Processing    …….. Access Catalogue    …….. Online Databases
……. RTA Driver Test     …….. Job Application       ……… Genealogy
.. Other? ……………………………………………………………

13. What other activities do you undertake in the library?
……. Printing     ……… Photocopying    ……… Read newspapers/magazines
……. Faxing     ………… View Current Exhibition/Display
……. Other (please specify)………………………………

14. Which of the following services are you aware/ not aware that the Library offers and are you interested in these services?

Aware    Not Aware    Interested

Borrowing magazines
Borrowing videos/DVDs
Borrowing CDs
Borrowing Large print books
Information services
Booky Babies
Toddler Tales
Local history
Community information
Word processing facilities
Photocopying facilities
Faxing facilities
Inter-branch loans
Internet Research
Online Databases
Your Tutor
Online catalogue

15. Was your visit successful?   …… Yes    ….. No

16. Are you satisfied with the services you accessed today?  …… Yes   …… No
If you are not satisfied please let us know how we can improve our service

17. Did you ask for staff assistance today?  …… Yes   ……. No

18. If yes, please rate the assistance you received.
….. Extremely helpful     …… Somewhat helpful  …… Very helpful   ……. Not at all helpful
……. Helpful

19. Do our library hours: Monday: 11am – 7pm; Tuesday – Thursday: 10 am – 7 pm; Saturday: 10 am – 5pm
…… Meet your needs
…… Need to open earlier. If so what time? …………………………….
…… Need to close later. If so what time? …………………………….
…… Need to have more weekend hours. ………………………………

20. How do you get to the library today?
…… Drive/private car    ……. Bus
…… Walk    …… Taxi
…… Community transport    ….. Get a lift
……. Other (please specify): ………………………………

21. When visiting our library do you have any problems with the following?
…… Parking
…… Wheelchair/pram access
…… Other (please specify)…………………………………

22. Do you find our library a pleasant environment to be in?
…… Yes    …… No
Please tell us why / why not

23. Excluding today, when did you last visit the library?

24. If you do not visit the Library very often, please tell us the reason for this.

25. Would you recommend the library’s customer service to your friends or colleagues?

On the scale below please indicate your choice from 10 – 0
10 = Strongly recommend and 0 = Strongly not recommend

10    .. 9    .. 8    .. 7     .. 6     .. 5     .. 4    . . 3     .. 2    .. 1     .. 0..

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