Paper instructions:
Select one of the books or films. Write a review of the book or film. If you select a film, you may use vignettes as part of your presentation. Focus on group dynamics, family/couple dynamics, problems identified, coping strategies used from the standpoint of a psychiatric and mental health nurse practitioner (PHMHNP) psychotherapist working with the individual, group or family.


You can choose an episode from “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow” and “Eyes on the Prize”, both available on Youtube, and write a brief summary of each episode.
The summary should include the specific focus of the episode, some of the people, events, etc. that were highlighted, and finally, your assessment of the episode, was it interesting, informative, boring, etc.
The summary must be typed, double-spaced, and no more that three pages. Check spelling, grammar, ad punctuation.
You’ll received ten points for each summary and the possibility of more points deepending on how detailed the summaries are.