Research Project Proposal
The current title proposed for the research project is Software re-use in various management approaches. The study will concentrate on review of software re-use strategies (Ravichandran & Rothenberger, 2003; Ramachandran, 2005) and their applicability and possible issues, limitations at different software project management methodologies, including, but not limited to PMBoK, lean (Poppendieck & Cusumano, 2012) and agile methodologies, as well as traditional approaches; overview of various software company types (Chapman & van der Merwe, 2008) and open-source vs. closed-source and other licensing models (Padmal et al., 2010; Grinder, 2001).
Project outline:
1 Introduction.
2 Overview of re-use strategies.
2.1 Re-use as part of company work organization.
2.2 Creating libraries of components.
2.3 Using and reusing externally developed code.
3 Application of management methodologies to software re-use.
3.1 CMMI (and PMBoK).
3.2 Agile management, lean methodologies.
3.3 Other approaches.
4 Issues around open-source and proprietary software processes.
5 Conclusions
Works CitedBiddle, Robert, Angela Martin, and James Noble. No Name: Just Notes on Software Reuse. SIGPLAN Not. 38.12 (2003): 7696. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.
Chapman, Mark, and Alta van der Merwe. Contemplating Systematic Software Reuse in a Project-centric Company. Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists on IT Research in Developing Countries: Riding the Wave of Technology. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2008. 1626. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. SAICSIT 08.
Frakes, William, and Carol Terry. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models. ACM Comput. Surv. 28.2 (1996): 415435. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.
Grinter, Rebecca E. From Local to Global Coordination: Lessons from Software Reuse. Proceedings of the 2001 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2001. 144153. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. GROUP 01.
Ramachandran, Muthu. Software Reuse Guidelines. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 30.3 (2005): 18. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.
Ravichandran, T., and Marcus A. Rothenberger. Software Reuse Strategies and Component Markets. Commun. ACM 46.8 (2003): 109114. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.
Iqbal, M. Aqeel1, Farooque2 Azam, and Ahmed Ali1 Qureshi. Critical Aspects of Project Management Causing Major Impacts on Software Development. International Journal of Computer Applications 27 (2011): 3947. Print.
Poppendieck, Mary1, and Michael A.2 Cusumano. Lean Software Development: A Tutorial. IEEE Software 29.5 (2012): 2632. Print.
Vitharana, Padmal, Julie King, and Helena Shih Chapman. Impact of Internal Open Source Development on Reuse: Participatory Reuse in Action. Journal of Management Information Systems 27.2 (2010): 277304. Print.You are expected to do research (a literature study) on one of the listed topics. Papers are due not later than the last class meeting. Your work should be the culmination of a critical study of at least three refereed sources, of which at least two must be published in 2008 or later. Study journals and scholarly books, not textbooks. Communications of the ACM, ACM SIG publications, IEEE transactions, IEEE Software, IEEE Computer, and ACM or IEEE conference proceedings are excellent sources. You should do computer searches using the library search facilities. You should also run Internet searches, but remember that Internet resources are not refereed and sometimes contain junk. Copies of the primary source reference material must be submitted with the paper unless the reference is already posted on the ACM, IEEE, or course Moodle site. We can obtain any IEEE or ACM publication available from the IEEE or ACM digital libraries.Grading criteria for the research papers.
Technical Content: Is the introduction clear and comprehensive? Does it relate to an advanced topic in software engineering management? Is the subject material current? Does the paper match the approved proposal?
Analysis/Discussion: Does it cover at least two or more ideas on the subject matter? Does the report include critical evaluation of the source material? Are the conclusions justified by sound arguments?
Style & Quality: Does the report merit as an academic publication (no grammatical errors, good readable English, organized into cohesive chapters and sections, contains a list of references, has titles, pagination, etc.)? Does it follow the style of papers in ACM/IEEE publications? Does it contain appropriate diagrams and examples?
References: Are references cited in the body of the paper? Were the references read and used and discussed, or just cited blindly? Is each reference annotated?
Guidelines for the Research Term Paper:
Each paper should be of professional quality with the following parts:
1. A title page with authors name, date, and an abstract.
2. A Table of Contents. (All pages should be numbered.)
3. An introduction that sets the scene. Where does the work fit in, why its important, what has been achieved, etc.
4. The main body of the paper covering the technical content: what has been suggested, reasons for or against the arguments, justifications, etc. If your source material has contradictory views, then focus on these. Feel free to express your own opinion also.
5.Your conclusions and observations based on the source material.
6. An annotated bibliography