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Return from Undergraduate Academic Suspension

Order Description

Write a Personal Statement (approx. 1–2 pages) describing time spent at Stanford; address, where appropriate:
-Plans upon entering Stanford;
-Behaviors that were successful and unsuccessful;
-Any factors/events that prevented you from completing minimum requirements; Changes made which will translate to academic/personal success upon your return; Resources at Stanford to be used upon return to ensure your success;
-Detailed immediate and longer-term academic plans upon your return;
-Plans for completing any missing/unreported (i.e., I, *, L, and N) grades

Currently my outline is…
Plans upon entering Stanford
-Finishing up my 6 classes successfully
-Maximizing my learning by taking advantage of my resources
Detailed immediate and longer-term academic plans upon your return
– Spring return for CS194(Senior Project), ENGR40M(An Intro to Making: What is EE), CS109( Intro to Probability for Computer Scientists)
– Summer quarter CS148(Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging) (only offered summer and autumn)
– CS140(Operating Systems and Systems Programming) and MATH42(Calculus) for winter in my final quarter
– More manageable Schedule
– Class schedule problem bc classes are staggered throughout the year
??Behaviors that were successful and unsuccessful;
– None
– No sleep schedule?
– No initiative?
– Not enough material review
– No strict schedule to adhere to
– Still depressed at the time but improving
Changes made which will translate to academic/personal success upon your return
– Maintain better life schedule and living an overall healthier lifestyle?
– Better sleep
– Software Engineer for the past two years full-time
– More Maturity?
– Reinvigorated thirst for knowledge
?Resources at Stanford to be used upon return to ensure your success;?
– Office hours (TA, professor)?
– Tutoring

Extra: Not sure if this will help much, but work will allow me to do part-time during the summer quarter. Not sure if it’s good to mention that I can work part-time during that period

CURRENT ESSAY PROGRESS (could throw this out just wanted to get something down. Hard topic to write about for me)

I would like to be readmitted to Stanford University following my academic suspension in Spring Quarter of 2013. During these two years away from school I have explored the software industry in the Bay Area and have grown as a computer scientist and as a person through handwork and discipline. Upon my return to Stanford I plan to fullfill my academic requirements, while also maximizing the breadth of knowledge available to me through my classes.
I am currently employed at Google and have been at the company for over a year as a full-time Software Engineer. In this period I identified various behaviors that needed to be corrected to improve my overall productivity.
Full-time employment has enabled me to adapt to a more strict work and sleep balance which has provided me with increased energy and initiative throughout my day.

Upon my return to Stanford I plan to fulfill my remaining requirements for successful completion of my Computer Science major. If I am successfully able to enroll in the Spring quarter of 2015 I hope to take CS194: Senior Project, CS109: Intro to Probability for Computer Scientists, and ENGR40M: An Intro to Making: What is EE.

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