Response to courtroom drama
Order Description
Jurors (the remainder of the class): Research the case, as well as the legal and ethical standards surrounding the issues from both sides. View the videos from both the plaintiff and defendant and in your video post, argue for your decision; to rule either in favor of the Plaintiff or Defendant. You will present your decision in a 5-minute video explaining the rationale behind your decision. Post the link to your video in the discussion forum along with your reference list by Day 5.
The Case is as follows:
3. Case #3: Public Hospital Corrects Impermissible Disclosure of PHI in Response to a Subpoena Covered Entity: General Hospital Issue: Impermissible Uses and Disclosures Plaintiff: Jennifer Defendant: AU Hospital
AU Hospital, a public hospital, in response to a subpoena (not accompanied by a court order), impermissibly disclosed the protected health information (PHI) of one of its patients (Jennifer). Contrary to the Privacy Rule protections for information sought for administrative or judicial proceedings, the hospital failed to determine that reasonable efforts had been made to insure that the individual whose PHI was being sought received notice of the request and/or failed to receive satisfactory assurance that the party seeking the information made reasonable efforts to secure a qualified protective order.
I have sent you both youtube videos. Please write what I need to say as the juror. I will use it to translate on youtube video.
Must use scholary resources less than 5 years old
Resources to use:
Read from the course text, Health care ethics and medical law:
•Chapter 4: Patient Empowerment, Consent, and Rights
•Chapter 5: Privacy and Confidentiality
Additional Resource
Herron, T.A. (2013). YouTube webcam quick-start guide [PDF]. College of Health, Human Services, and Science. Ashford University: San Diego, CA.
Thomas, J. C., Irwin, D. E., Zuiker, E. S., & Millikan, R. C. (2005). Genomics and the public health code of ethics. American Journal of Public Health, 95(12), 2139-2143. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
CBS Interactive, Inc. (2011). Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s “60 Minutes” interview [Video file]. Retrieved from
EuthanasiaInMovies. (2010). Euthanasia – whose life is it, anyway? (with subs) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Franklin Springs. (2009). The Terri Schiavo story [Video file]. Retrieved from
GematoGenTomsk. (2012). Craig Ewart at Dignitas (Switzerland). Assisted suicide/euthanasia [Video file]. Retrieved from
tnmed. (2012). Electronic health records: Privacy and security [Video file]. Retrieved from
YouTube. (https:///
Recommended Resources
Fields, A. V. & Kirkpatrick, J. N. (2012). Ethics of the heart: Ethical and policy challenges in the treatment of advanced heart failure. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 51(1), 71-80. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
Lin, Y.-K., Lee, W.-C., Kuo, L.-C., Cheng, Y.-C., Lin, H.-L., Chen, C.-W., & Lin, T.-Y. (2013). Building an ethical environment improves patient privacy and satisfaction in the crowded emergency department: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Medical Ethics, 14(8), 1-8. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.