Research Review-Journal Article Assignment
Paper details:
CI 3315:
Please note that information for the assignment is provided with comments to clarify questions you might have regarding the assignment.
The following information should be included:
Your Name
Name of Journal
Article Title
Date/Issue #/Month (information may vary with different publication styles)
Page numbers of the article
Part I: Explain your interest in the article
This is simply describing why you chose this article. What about it was interesting to you? What prompted you to choose this topic?
Part II: Form of data collection and research type
I would like for you to choose an article that is Action/Teacher Research. Remember that action research is described as research conducted mainly by insiders, teachers, administrators, or other practitioners with the distinct goal of solving a problem or a challenge within the classroom.
In this section, you will describe how the data was collected, what type of data it was, how the researcher tracked the data, etc.
Part III: Key Points/Findings
This is best to do in a bulleted format. Include the key findings/outcomes of the research.
Part IV: Connections to child development
In this section, you will tie the research to child development; how is it connected? For example, if you find an article relating to a social problem within a classroom, you could tie it to social/emotional development as we discussed in class.
Part V: Share why you believe the information in this article is important for educators/why should others read this research article?
For the final section, you will share why you believe this information is vital for your peers and explain why you think they should read the article, use the information, perhaps implement it in their future classrooms, etc.
• This should be an enjoyable assignment.
• In order for it to be an enjoyable assignment, be sure you find a topic that is of true interest to you and that you really feel could benefit others.
• Be sure you follow the format explicitly.
The rubric for this assignment will include:
10 point sections in rubric include:
1. Typed, double spaced in 12 point font
2. Research was completed within the past 10 years
3. Report is a minimum of three pages, maximum of five
4. A hard copy of the article was turned in
5. Your name is included on all information turned in
6. Title of article
7. Name of journal is provided
8. Date of publication/Issue #/Month are provided
20 point sections in rubric include:
1. Part I: Explain your interest in the article
2. Part II: Details regarding the type of collection
3. Part III: Key Points/Findings
4. Part IV: Strong connection between the key points/findings to child development
5. Part V: Reasons are given as to the importance of this article for other educators/what others may gain from reading this article
6. Last section: Journal article assignment is well written and does not contain spelling or grammatical errors
200 point total
Education and Science
Vol 40 (2015) No 180 51
The Effect of Fathers’ Language Training Program on the Receptive
Language Development of Children
The aim of this study is to investigate the
efficacy of a training
program so as to support language development in children
provided for the fathers, having 36
48 month
old children who do
not get pre
school education. For this purpose, “Father Language
Assistance Program” has been developed by the
researcher. The
sample of the study consisted of 42 fathers, living in Emet county
in Kutahya, whose children do not get preschool education, and
the children of these fathers. In the study, the research design
with pre
and post
test control groups was us
ed. 22 fathers in the
sample were involved randomly in the experimental group and
exposed to 8
week father language assistance training program
while the other 20 fathers were determined as the control group
and did not get any kind of father training. The
development levels of the children were assessed with “Peabody
Picture Vocabulary Test”. In the analysis of data Mann Whitney U
Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test were used. According to the
findings of the study, a statistically significant diff
erence was
found between the language development levels of the children
whose fathers were involved in “Father Language Assistance
Program” and the levels of other children whose fathers weren’t.
Therefore, “Father Language Assistance Program” affects
ldren’s language development levels positively. The study also
proves the positive effect of the training program given to the
fathers on children’s language development and so contributes to
the literature.
Father Training
Father Language Assistance
Language Development
48 month
old children
school years
Online Published
DOI: 10.15390/EB.2015.4260
It is an observable fact that there exists a continuous change and development in human life. It
can be claimed that these changes and developments start from people’s birth and last until the end
lives. Scientific, social and political developments rapidly increasing in our age play a significant
This research
is done on the master’s
thesis with the title “
The Effect of Father Language Assistance Program on Children’s
” th
at was presented by Ceyhun Ersan under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nesrin Isikoglu
Erdogan for Pamukkale
University Institu
te of Education Sciences in 2013
Child Care and Youth Services,
[email protected]
Science 2015, Vol 40, No 180, 51
C. Ersan
role in human life and are able to destroy the taboos in a number of situations that we perceive as
absolute reality.
The very first years of human life
has been a popular research subject of many scientific
studies due to its significance. The environment in early childhood and the quality of education
provided to children determine their future achievements and so their quality of life to a great extent
Some research studies reveal that
the lack of stimulating environment and experiences in the early
childhood restrict their learning and development in the following years, whereas an environment
rich in stimulation increases the competency of using moth
er tongue that forms the basis of school
education, logical
mathematical and spatial abilities, achievement motives, study habits and so their
learning levels (Senemoglu, 2004).
Education of child in the early ages defines not only the pre
school education
institutionally but also a process that needs to start with child’s birth. Therefore, with a few
exceptions, it can be considered that for every child the first educational environment is family and
the first teachers are parents and other family
members. By providing rich stimulating environments,
mothers and fathers can potentially help their childre
n have some crucial gains. As Yörükog
lu stated
(2000), for child, the things learned from parents, a strong background and relationships maintained
in the early years continue to be essential throughout child’s life. The effect of family is of vital
importance for the child to be a competent and healthy individual especially in terms of cognitive,
social, language and even sexual developments.
‘s being involved in their children’s care and education process with a more modern
and scientific base can be possible through family training. According to Kagitçibasi (1989), it is
obvious with some research that cognitive, social, emotional, psychomoto
r and personality
developments of children whose parents are educated in terms of parenting skills are better compared
to those whose parents are not.
Until a few decades ago, while every individual’s early life was primarily and specifically
associated wi
th “mother”, today it can be said that, although not wrong, this phenomenon is a
prejudiced one since a good number of scientific findings suggest that father is really effective on
child’s cognitive, social, emotional, sexual (Güngörmüs
Özkardes, 2006, Ku
zucu, 2011) and language
development (Tamis
LeMonda, Shannon, Cabrera, & Lamb, 2004; Pancsofar
2006). Just like mothers, fathers also have a big role in children’s cognitive, social emotional, language,
sexual and moral developments.
wever, it seems pretty difficult and even impossible with traditional or mere cultural
values to maintain some issues such as the invaluable roles fathers should provide for their children,
the way they should behave to act these roles and even the way the
y shouldn’t behave. Then, the most
logical solution is to provide an environment for fathers where they are trained on “being father” and
even “being an effective father” with quality information and practices.
When the care and education of child in the e
arly years is considered, the one that first comes
to minds has always been mothers. E
ven, the anthropologist Margaret
Mead defines fathers as a
“biological necessity,” and as an “accident socially”
(cited in Parke, &
Brott, 1999)
. During child’s
process, fathers have not been a research topic for a long time. In theories related to child
lopment as well (e.g. Bowlby’s Attachment T
heory), the importance of mothers is emphasized
more while father is defined as the person that can support mother
cited in
2006). As a continuation of these perceptions, the target group of family training programs has been
mainly mothers. While these kinds of family assistance programs are limited in
, the family
training programs involving
fathers in the education process and helping them to be more efficient
and competent in their children’s care and education are also limited.
Many reasons such as women’s starting to work life, divorce, death and having illegitimate
child make it compulso
ry for fathers to take over their children’s responsibilities more and all these
suggest the necessity of fathers’ being educated in child development and education at least as mu