-3-5 pages, MLA format (this requires parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page)
-Works Cited page (not counted as part of pagination)
-AT LEAST 4 scholarly sources besides the text(s) (that means there will be at least 5 entries on your works cited page!)
Prompt: Write a research paper comparing the differing time periods, cultures, themes and/or literary elements found in the Middle Ages, Early Modern Era, and/or Restoration and 18th Century in which you present an argument /observation and provide justification and analysis for your observation/argument. Grading of the essay will be based, at least in part, on accuracy and/or depth of analytical argument.
In your paper, it may be necessary to unpack the works you choose by translation and interpretation to appropriately and completely examine the device/elements on which you focus.
Rubric includes:
1. MLA format-Paper Requirements
o Works Cited page is free (or mostly free) from errors.
o Correct implementation of parenthetical documentation throughout paper
o Every source listed on Works Cited page is cited at least once in ().
2. Analysis that is in-depth, insightful, and thorough.
o Effectiveness of argument-whether or not you effectively prove your thesis
3. Writing Style- Use of transition words AND varied syntax and sentence length.
4. Conventions
o Paper should be free from grammar and spelling errors.
o Tone/Style should be formal and academic in the 3rd person Point of View. No 1st or 2nd person P.O.V. is acceptable.(unless in quotes from research)
o Contractions should be avoided (unless they are in quotes from research)
research paper comparing the differing time periods, cultures, themes and/or literary elements found in the Middle Ages, Early Modern Era, and/or Restoration and 18th Century