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Research paper

NG3018 Developing Effective Practice through Research & Innovation 2016
Assignment Synopsis: A critical appraisal of the literature relating to a specific area of nursing or health, including a range of dialectical arguments integrated with research studies whose methods are systematically identified and their respective methodological strengths and limitations critically appraised. The relevance of these arguments and cited studies (minimum of 6 studies) for nursing and/or inter-professional clinical practice should also be considered (3,000 words).
Key Learning Outcomes (1-6)
Assessment Criteria
Total marks out of 100
General Feedback
General Feedback Commentary: Your work generally meets the module criteria and comments relating to the assessment criteria are outlined in more detail. Generally you did this well in the areas relating to the introduction & background, rationale, search strategy, emergent themes, multi-professional clinical implications of key findings and the conclusion. Please see the areas below for a more detailed breakdown of your feedback
Not Graded
Critically appraise an issue in nursing practice that requires investigation and determine appropriate methods of researching this.
Introduction: Clear health or nursing topic identified for the literature review evident in assignment title. Introduction: contextualised background information on selected topic, definitions of key terms, proposed structural outline for assignment. Rationale: evidenced-based justifications supporting the selection of topic.

Critically evaluate relevant evidenced-based literature by utilising a range of information technologies.
Search strategy: key words, search databases & time parameter with justifications for latter. Types of evidenced-based literature yielded by search databases. Search inclusion/exclusion criteria. Scope of search UK/International literature with justifications.

Critically appraise the research process through systematic appraisal of different research designs / approaches relevant to nursing practice.
Critically appraise sampling and data collection methods relevant to nursing practice.
Emergent Themes: Identification of three areas of prominence/themes and how these emerged from the literature. Select one of these for in-depth, critical discussion/lines of argument integrated with 6 cited studies. Systematically outline the methods (study design, sampling & data collection) for each study and its key findings. Critically appraise its methodological strengths and limitations making recourse to research literature in the process.

Critically appraise available and relevant evidence in the development and/or innovation of a specific sphere of nursing practice.
Clinical Impact of Key Findings: Systematically consider each of the key findings and their impact for clinical development, change or innovation within nursing and multi-professional practice.

Critically appraise the ability to promote clinical and research governance with an area of nursing practice by critically appraising available evidence.
Conclusion: Synthesis of contents of literature review. Identify continued gaps in knowledge and link these to suggested directions for future research in the area selected.

Students must ensure the work reflects level six expectations as described in Kingston University SEEC Level descriptors.
References & Academic Presentation: A range of contemporary and/or seminal references with accurate use of Faculty system of referencing. Clear logical structure; academic presentation; grammar and spelling accurate; adheres to Faculty policy on word count (3,000 words) and plagiarism.

Marker and Moderator (where applicable) Name(s) and Date

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