Research Methods in Education
(Internet-based research and computer usage) to 413 words. 1. Introduction 2. Internet-based surveys 3. Internet-
based experiments 4. Internet-based interviews 5. Searching for research materials on the Internet 6. Evaluating
web sites 7. Computer simulations 8. Geographical Information Systems Please only summarize the following points in
attached book chapter (Approaches to qualitative data analysis) to 275 words. 1. Introduction 2. Tabulating data 3.
Five ways of organizing and presenting data analysis 4. Systematic approaches to data analysis 5. Methodological tools for
analyzing qualitative data Please only summarize the following points in attached book chapter (Quantitative data analysis)
to 413 words. 1. Introduction 2. Scales of data 3. Parametric and non-parametric data 4. Descriptive and
inferential statistics 5. One-tailed and two-tailed tests 6. Dependent and independent variables 7. Reliability
8. Exploratory data analysis: frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulations 9. Statistical signi?cance 10.
Hypothesis testing 11. Effect size 12. The chi-square test 13. Degrees of freedom 14. Measuring association 15.
Regression analysis 16. Measures of difference between groups and means.
Research Methods in Education