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Research-in-Progress Paper

Paper details:CEN 6036 – Web EngineeringResearch-in-Progress Paper
As a first step towards carrying out the thesis research project, each student is required to produce a research proposal. Thus, in this class, you are expected to write a research proposal for an applied research project. As a part of this assignment you are expected to identify a research problem that will have practical impact, develop high-level architecture and design solution for the problem, and develop evaluation plan to assess the utility of (implemented) solution.

Topic selected for the research paper should be in an area that is cross-section of topics covered in the course and student’s thesis topic. In the research paper, students are mandated to use Design Science Research methodology to conduct their research work. Details of Design Science Research methodology will be covered in the class. Additional reading materials will be made available in Blackboard. Topic area for the paper can be chosen from the call for papers from the conferences listed below. Submitted paper, after refinement, should be suitable for submission for one of the conferences listed below. However, you are not expected to must it as a class requirement. As a template for this paper, we will use the UNF School of Computing Master Thesis document guidelines.

Each student is expected to communicate the progress made with the paper to the instructor every two weeks in person. Periodically, I will allocate class time for students to engage in discussions on their research paper with me and other students.

International World Wide Web Conference (WWW)

International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems & Technology (DESRIST) conference


International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE)

IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS)

IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC)

IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE)

Other sister conferences associated with any of the above conferences are permitted. However, you must obtain permission from the instruction prior to your topic submission. If you want to model your research paper for some other conference, you are welcome to discuss that with the instructor.

Topic Selection // I already did it
Submit following information in regards to your selected topic for the research paper:
• Indicate specific topic that will be focus of the research paper. Briefly describe the topic. Explain why this topic is relevant to the course.
• Briefly describe how this topic relates to your master thesis.
• Indicate to which conference your paper can be potentially submitted. You will be expected to model the paper as per to the standards of the conference. Explain why you selected this conference.
• Briefly describe objectives of the research paper and how you intend to achieve it.

First Draft // I already did it

Submission must contain following sections (see below for section details):
• Title
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Problem Definition

Interim Draft // in progress
Submission must contain following sections (see below for section details):
• Update the sections submitted in the first draft
• Literature Review
• Research Methodology // need help with this part -edit and add as needed
• Work-in-Progress Research Prototype // need help with this part

Final Draft (Due: April 26)
Submission must contain all expected sections fully complete and must be updated as per remarks provided by the instructor on previous draft submissions.

Research Paper Sections
Ideal design science research paper should consist following sections:

One or two lines statement about the paper that is concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.

A concise and factual abstract of 250 to 500 words is required, written in complete sentences, without subheads or separation into paragraphs. It should state briefly the purpose of the research, define the problem, describe your solution, describe your approach to develop the solution, describe how you intend to evaluate your solution, and describe key anticipated research contributions.

State the purpose and scope of the research project proposed within the paper. What is the problem that you are solving, and why is it important? Provide clear description of the research gap and provide detailed analysis of the problem. Describe how the identified problem relates to course topics. Provide an adequate definition of constructs relevant to the problem and proposed solution offered while avoiding a detailed literature survey. Briefly describe your motivation for conducting this study. Briefly describe significance of the study and how it will contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

Problem Definition:
Define the specific research problem you intend to work. Establish the problem exists in the real-world and why it is important to solve the problem. Briefly describe known issues associated with the problem. Briefly describes known design knowledge associated with the problem and existing gaps in design knowledge. Briefly describe key requirements of an ideal system that can solve the stated problem. Briefly describe your proposed new system as a solution, and why you believe this is a right solution.

Literature Review:
Provide summarized explanation of relevant bodies of literature that fits with the context of the topic. Identify central themes in the literature and appropriately categorize them. Identify published research works that is related for each of the category. For each identified work, write a paragraph describing published research. Critically analyze identified published articles and highlight agreements and disagreements discovered via their research findings. Briefly describe what is known about type of the system you intend to develop.

Research Methodology:
Provide overview of Design Science Research methodology. Describe how you have adapted Design Science Research methodology to conduct research proposed in this paper.

// I already did the overview of the Design Science Research methodology, just add one or two sentences after that Describing how you have adapted Design Science Research methodology to conduct research proposed in this paper.

Work-in-Progress Research Prototype: // do this part too
What is the exact system that you propose to build as a solution to the problem identified? What will it do? Provide a “blueprint” or architecture that describes high-level design of the proposed system (Principles of form and function). Include a low- or medium-fidelity mockup user interfaces of the proposed system. What are the features and capabilities of the system? Explain how the system functionalities address the problem and associated issues.

What underlying knowledge base or theory did you use to design your solution (Justificatory knowledge)? Describe the process by which you arrived at your designed solution (Principles of implementation). Reaching a designed solution usually is an iterative process consisting of considering alternatives solutions and making appropriate decisions on requirements and design issues. Describe iterative nature of your design process. Describe key decision points that influenced your design. Describe alternative solutions you considered before finalizing your proposed designed solution.
Evaluation Plan:
Describe how you intend to evaluate utility of the proposed system. Describe how you will know if your system solved the original problem (Testable design propositions). Describe what are the system state information and other associated information are relevant for the evaluation (Artifact mutability). Describe how you plan to collect data for those information.

Describe experimental setup for that will be used to evaluate the system. Describe what are the variables you will measure and how will you measure it? If your evaluation involves participants, provide a clear and detailed recruitment plan. Provide details of your target population with relevant demographic information and sample user task description. If you are not using human participants, describe which evaluation methodology you are using, explain its methodological rigor and relevance, and its methodological steps.

In a concise manner state the problem definition, your solution, and justify the value in your solution. Describe how existing design knowledge base influenced the way you developed your solution. Describe how you overall approached this research. Provide some insights on what you expect to find from the evaluation reports. Describe anticipated contributions of your study. Summarize your research plan and point out limitations of the study. What are the theoretical and practical contributions made by your study? Discuss how your contributions improves existing body of knowledge. Describe how other researchers can benefit from your contributions. Describe how practitioners can benefits from your contributions. This is a good place to speculate in a more casual manner about the implications of anticipated results and contributions.

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