Topic: Research Essay
Order Description
Drawing on the topics of “Campaign launches and conventions” and “Political Advertising”, write a 3,000-word essay discussing and comparing The 2012 US Presidential election campaign and The 2013 Australian election campaign. So the essay basically have 2 parts, first discuss about campaign launches and conventions, second part is political advertising.
You are expected to draft your own essay title, framing the aspect of the feature you will be debate in your essay.
Your analysis should include discussion of the relevant election campaign events and texts, their news media coverage, and their effects on the election outcome. Your essay should be also informed by an evaluation of the issues raised in the first part of the unit (for example addressing the use of new/social media in campaigns)
Your essay may also include reference to the current US Presidential Republican and Democratic Party Primary Campaigns or other major recent election campaigns such as the 2015 UK General Election or the 2015 QLD and NSW elections.
You should include some references from the readings in the file attached.