This assignment is designed to make sure you are making progress on a viable writing sample that is on a topic related to your graduate school application. The format of the writing sample for different kinds of graduate programs can differ greatly. They may ask for a full research papers, an argument paper, a series of essays in response to specific questions, policy papers, portfolios of your creative work, or any of a dozen other formats. Ideally what you turn in for this assignment would be the first draft of whatever is required for your application to a specific graduate program. For this assignment I want to see that you have an outline or work plan, have started work and are making progress on the kind of writing sample that is appropriate for your graduate application.
Because each student is at a different stage in the process of identifying their career goals, future field of study, academic interests, and specific research topic, this assignment can take any one of several forms:
research, argument or policy paper
research proposal for independent research with a specific member of the faculty
proposal to do a directed reading on a defined topic with a specific member of the faculty
proposal to do an annotated bibliography on a specific research topic with a faculty member
portfolio of your completed or published works
summary of interviews with professionals in the field you are applying to
complete application materials for UCDC, study abroad, language school or similar program
While the format of the paper is determined by the graduate program, the substantive topic you choose to write on is usually fairly open. For example, students applying to law schools can write on nearly any topic. It may help them to write a topic that is in some way relevant to their law school application but that isn’t usually a requirement. Most graduate programs just want to see that you can write clearly and argue effectively.