Requirements:Times New Roman 12-pt font, 1-inch margins.10 full double-spaced pages minimum not including headingsor References.Include a title page as well as a header on all pages with your first and last name, date, and course number.Cite a minimum offoursources in APA format.Preparation:Class/peer review activity before the due date will help you form and revise yourpaper.Topic:Analyze two networked publics you interact with online, and your role as a bridge between them.Details:You will selecttwo importantnetworkedpublics you interact with through social mediaand name them.*These can be different social media platforms or two publics using the same platform.You will describethe culture ofeach ofthese publicsandwhyeach isimportant in your life.You willalsoimaginehowsomeone likeyou might have interacted witheachpublic(or a similar public) before the existence of social media.Then, you will analyze two social media posts shared by othersin thatpublic,and one social media post you have shared with that public.Finally, you will analyze your role as a bridge between these two publics.*(Replace Public One and Public Two in the rest of this document with the names you have given the publics.)Parts of your paperSectionHeadingnameWhat is in the sectionGuideline for length of sectionTitle pageWrite the title of the paper, skip several lines, then writeyour first and last name, date, andProfessor Daly, eSociety 150.Not included in 10-page minimumI. IntroductionWrite what this paper is about. Do not write Prof Dalys essay prompt (Analyze two networked publics you interact with online, and your role as a bridge between them.) Instead,in the essay, state in your own words what you are doing in the paper. Your thesis statement should generally be one sentence in the beginning or end of the (main) paragraph. page(2 paragraphs)Cultures of these PublicsDescribe the culture of each public that is, what are their shared beliefs, norms, and common practices? Think about language, imagery, topics of discussion, and sharing and commenting practices. page(1paragraph per public.)Such Publics in HistoryWrite about how someone like you might have interacted with each public (or a similar public) before the existence of social media. Include examples of common interactions in similar publics in history. page(1paragraph per public.)II. Analysis SectionIntroduction to your analysis section. page(2 paragraphs)Analysis of Post One Shared in Public OneAnalyze a post shared by someone other than you in Public One.To analyze a post by someone else:Quote the post.Include the post in words or a screenshot.Describe the post.Write about the post in context. Give details about what the post means from your perspective, using your knowledge of this groups other posts.Post audience.Write what you know about whom the post was shared with. Was it public? Friends only? Who interacted with it after it was posted?Post source.Write what you know about where the post came from. Was it re-shared from a previous source? What type of source? page(2 paragraphs)Analysis of Post Two shared in Public OneAnalyze (as above) another post shared by someone other than you in Public One. page(2 paragraphs)Analysis of a Post This Author Shared in Public OneAnalyze a post YOU shared in Public One, as above.To analyze a post by someone else:Quote the post.Include the post in words or a screenshot.Describe the post.Write about the post in context. Give details about what the post means from your perspective.Post audience.Was this post public? Friends only? Why did you choose to share what you did in that public in particular? Or if you were sharing with multiple publics at the same time, did you have concerns about context collapse? Who interacted with it after you posted it?Post source.Write about where the post came from. Was it re-shared from a previous source? What type of source? page(2 paragraphs)Findings about Sharing in Public OneDraw a brief conclusion, based on the posts you analyzed, that supports what you wrote about the culture of Public One. Why does this information matter in terms of understanding how people interact online, based on course concepts? (Concepts inIts Complicated, Algorithm-related Issues, Publics and Counterpublics, etc.) page(2 paragraphs)Analysis of Post One shared in Public TwoAnalyze a post shared by someone other than you in Public Two. page(2 paragraphs)Analysis of Post Two shared in Public TwoAnalyze a post shared by someone other than you in Public Two. page(2 paragraphs)Analysis of a Post This Author Shared in Public TwoAnalyze a post YOU shared in Public Two, as above. Why did you choose to share what you did in that public in particular? page(2 paragraphs)Findings about Sharing inPublic TwoDraw a brief conclusion, based on the posts you analyzed, that supports what you wrote about the culture of Public One. Why does this information matter in terms of understanding how people interact online, based on course concepts? (Concepts inIts Complicated, Algorithm-related Issues, Publics and Counterpublics, etc.) page(2 paragraphs)III. Bridging these PublicsAnalyze your role as a bridge between these two publics. What have you learned in your positioning interacting with both of these publics? What have they learned through you? Are there others also acting as bridges between these two publics? What types of communicationcouldyou accomplish in this role if you felt the need (i.e. activism, social support, spreading of important information)?Why does this information matter in terms of understanding how people interact online, based on course concepts? (Concepts inIts Complicated, Algorithm-related Issues, Publics and Counterpublics, etc.) page(2 paragraphs)ConclusionSummarize all you have done in this paper. page(2 paragraphs)ReferencesCite four scholarly sources in APA format.Not included in 10-page minimum
Requirements:Times New Roman 12-pt font, 1-inch margins.10 full double-spaced pages minimum not including headingsor References.Include a title page as well…