Order DescriptionThe report plan should consist of a ONE page outline of what you intend to cover for each of the questions.
The focus should be on questions 3 and 4, with minor notes for the other questions.
It should not provide any results/calculations for questions 3 and 4 but should clearly indicate in DETAIL how your intended investigation will proceed what you intend to analyse and why.
In order to do this successfully you must have understood the material and already decided on what you will investigate and precisely how you will conduct your analysis this is what I need to see detailed in your plan and the success of this section will largely determine your grade for the plan.
You should also include appendices, consisting of the spread sheet screen-shots (formula views only). Tables of data from the spread sheet need to be included in sections 3 and 4.
QuestionsSection 1 (5%)
Describe the inputs and outputs of the transformation process outlined in this case, supported by an appropriate diagram.
Section 2 (10%)
Describe the five operations performance objectives for the macro-operation (Quality, speed, dependability etc.).
Section 3 (50%)
Calculate and discuss the capacities for each micro-operation of the radicchio rig, and from this estimate the total capacity. Discuss to what extent the overall capacity depends on the product mix. Discuss what problems are encountered when attempting these capacity calculations.
Your calculations should be completed in a spreadsheet and screenshots included in the main body of your report; additionally, your appendices should include screenshots of the formula view of the spreadsheet.
(Note: students who submit data of a spurious nature will later be required to forward an electronic copy of their actual spreadsheet).
Section 4 (20%)How well balanced are the capacities, and what could adversely affect this balance? (Present further calculations to support a scenario).Section 5 (5%)Using your data to compare actual output to the capacity, what does this suggest about the operations management tasks involved in running all six rigs?Section 6 (10%)
In a typical British summer, the weather can cycle frequently between cool, dull periods with spells of heavy rainfall, and periods of hot, dry and sunny weather.
What capacity management problems could arise during such variations in the weather, and how can management best respond to such fluctuations?
Report plan for operations management

report plan for operations management

report plan for operations management
The report plan should consist of a ONE page outline of what you intend to cover for each of the questions.
The focus should be on questions 3 and 4, with minor notes for the other questions.
It should not provide any results/calculations for questions 3 and 4 but should clearly indicate in DETAIL how your intended investigation will proceed – ‘what’ you intend to analyse and ‘why’.
In order to do this successfully you must have understood the material and already decided on what you will investigate and precisely how you will conduct your analysis – this is what I need to see detailed in your plan and the success of this section will largely determine your grade for the plan.
You should also include appendices, consisting of the spread sheet screen-shots (formula views only). Tables of data from the spread sheet need to be included in sections 3 and 4.
Section 1 – (5%)
Describe the inputs and outputs of the transformation process outlined in this case, supported by an appropriate diagram.
Section 2 – (10%)
Describe the five operations performance objectives for the macro-operation(Quality, speed, dependability etc.).
Section 3 – (50%)
Calculate and discuss the capacities for each micro-operation of the radicchio rig, and from this estimate thetotal capacity. Discuss to what extent the overall capacity depends on the product mix.Discuss what problemsare encountered when attempting these capacity calculations.
Your calculations should be completed in a spreadsheet and screenshots included in the main body of your report; additionally, your appendices should include screenshots of the formula view of the spreadsheet.
(Note: students who submit data of a spurious nature will later be required to forward an electronic copy of their actual spreadsheet).
Section 4 – (20%)
How well balanced are the capacities, and what could adversely affect this balance?(Present further calculations to support a scenario).
Section 5 – (5%)
Using your data to compare actual output to the capacity, what does this suggest about the operationsmanagement tasks involved in running all six rigs?
Section 6 – (10%)
In a typical British summer, the weather can cycle frequently between cool, dull periods with spellsof heavy rainfall, and periods of hot, dry and sunny weather.
What capacity management problemscould arise during such variations in the weather, and how can management best respond to suchfluctuations?
Case is in the additional files.
report plan for operations management

report plan for operations management
The report plan should consist of a ONE page outline of what you intend to cover for each of the questions.
The focus should be on questions 3 and 4, with minor notes for the other questions.
It should not provide any results/calculations for questions 3 and 4 but should clearly indicate in DETAIL how your intended investigation will proceed – ‘what’ you intend to analyse and ‘why’.
In order to do this successfully you must have understood the material and already decided on what you will investigate and precisely how you will conduct your analysis – this is what I need to see detailed in your plan and the success of this section will largely determine your grade for the plan.
You should also include appendices, consisting of the spread sheet screen-shots (formula views only). Tables of data from the spread sheet need to be included in sections 3 and 4.
Section 1 – (5%)
Describe the inputs and outputs of the transformation process outlined in this case, supported by an appropriate diagram.
Section 2 – (10%)
Describe the five operations performance objectives for the macro-operation(Quality, speed, dependability etc.).
Section 3 – (50%)
Calculate and discuss the capacities for each micro-operation of the radicchio rig, and from this estimate thetotal capacity. Discuss to what extent the overall capacity depends on the product mix.Discuss what problemsare encountered when attempting these capacity calculations.
Your calculations should be completed in a spreadsheet and screenshots included in the main body of your report; additionally, your appendices should include screenshots of the formula view of the spreadsheet.
(Note: students who submit data of a spurious nature will later be required to forward an electronic copy of their actual spreadsheet).
Section 4 – (20%)
How well balanced are the capacities, and what could adversely affect this balance?(Present further calculations to support a scenario).
Section 5 – (5%)
Using your data to compare actual output to the capacity, what does this suggest about the operationsmanagement tasks involved in running all six rigs?
Section 6 – (10%)
In a typical British summer, the weather can cycle frequently between cool, dull periods with spellsof heavy rainfall, and periods of hot, dry and sunny weather.
What capacity management problemscould arise during such variations in the weather, and how can management best respond to suchfluctuations?
Case is in the additional files.