Religion is completely irrelevant for morality. Neither the authority of moral values nor the motivation to act morally has anything to do with the existence of God. Discuss. Order Description Religion is completely irrelevant for morality. Neither the authority of moral values nor the motivation to act morally has anything to do with the existence of God. Discuss. This is the essay question. Up to 1500 words.1. You need to write a small introduction in which you present the issue at hand and you briefly summarise in a sentence or two what you will be arguing (i.e. whether you agree with the claim or not). 2. The body of your essay should provide a discussion of what you take to be the most important reasons that can be given in favour of the claim you are arguing for, as well as a consideration of some of the main objections that can be made to your claim. Your discussion here should make explicit reference to the theory that the claim relates to, and to the relevant readings in the Unit Reader. 3. You need to write a brief conclusion in which you recapitulate what youve discussed in the essay, and most importantly what conclusion you came to. You need to reiterate strongly, in simple words, whether you agree with the claim or not. 4. Include a bibliography of works you have consulted and referred to in composing for your essay.
Religion versus morality Academic Essay