Why did the French government ban religious symbols from classrooms in 2004? What is it justified in doing so?
Discuss the significance of the veil in Islam. Why has veiling become increasingly popular in the last few decades?
What is ‘fundamentalism’ and why is it so popular? Illustrate your answer with reference to one or more movements of your choice.
Compare and contrast French and British approaches to dealing with religious and ethnic diversity.
Choose one of these questions that you think you know best. The essay is from an international relations major. The class is called Religion, Identity and Power. The essay has to be between 2500 to 3000 words so I would say 2.700 would be fine.
Course Description:
The recent emergence of a number of religious movements in many parts of the world has raised important questions about the role of religion in political and social life. This course explores the relationship between religion, political identity and its expression between and across nation-state borders. By focusing on a number of religious movements, such as various Islamic revivals and the new Christian right, this course will examine the various ways in which religious traditions are used as identity-building vehicles, particularly at times of cultural transition and social change. It examines how the internet and other communication networks serve as mediums for Religious identity formation.