Máx. 2 pages. Máx.1000 words total. 1 table with the measurements made in laboratory. Calculations. Comparison between the measurements made in my group and another group measurements. Single-space between lines. Times New Roman style with Font size 12 or 1.
The report must have a hypotesis like: BMI is a reliable estimation of your health status
Introduction must contain some info about the subject that is going to be approach, and explanation of the abbreviations and words used in the report.
The aims must say for what I will use the measurements and what I I expect to find out with it.
Methods: all the members of the group were measured as follows: we measured the V02 of the 8 elements one after another, only after all of us completed this step we proceed to the measurement of STPR and so on with rest.
Results: as described by the brief
Discussion: Reply to the question made on the Protocol, say if the results agree or desagree with the hypothesis, disscuss the table and why the measurements of my group is different to the other group, refer the mistakes on the lab as the lack of precision or refer that we do not know how to work perfectly with some of the devices as the machine that measures the V02.
references: Harvard Referencing System
All the rest is described by the Brief attached bellow
The relationship between the cardiovascular system and exercise