Relationship Analysis This paper assignment is to be completed individually and should be around 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font. This paper is not for you to give me every detail of your relationship, but for you to understand and use sociological terms and concepts to analyze your relationship. Only use relevant information that supports your argument. (1.) I want you to choose a personal romantic relationship (past or present) to analyze. (2.) You are to analyze this relationship with any of the concepts we have covered up to this point (e.g. gender, love, conflict management, communication). (3.) You need to develop a thesis that clearly forms conclusions based on your relationship. You could address reasons why your relationship did not work out or what it is working out. Your thesis should be direct and specific (and in the first paragraph). (4.) The rest of the paper should flow from the thesis. Use the thesis to structure or outline the body of the paper. There should be a link between each paragraph and the thesis. Use examples from your relationship and course materials as supporting evidence. (5.) Analyze your relationship using at least one theoretical framework (e.g. social exchange, structural-functional, conflictthis is not the full list of theoretical frameworks). (6.) If you draw material from the text, put (Knox) at the end of sentence to cite. Since the textbook will be your source of information, you dont need to list references at the end (unless you get information from somewhere other than the textbook). (7.) Include and analyze your results from the compatibility test. (8.) End the paper with a summary paragraph that includes a restatement of the thesis. (9.) PROOFREAD YOUR PAPER! Have someone else proofread also. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas you may have. Be honest with yourself and have fun! The Relationship Analysis is 10% of your final grade. You will be graded on the following: Content (50%) connection between relationship and sociological theory and terms is clear; solid grasp of the material Creativity (20%) evidence of personal involvement and imagination Writing style (15%) good sentences and paragraphs; good grammar; appropriate use of words and phrases; good transitions between paragraphs Format (15%) well organized; professional appearance; evidence of careful editing; no typographical errors; appropriate citations, references, footnotes, etc.
Relationship Analysis Academic Essay