REL 212 WEEK 4 Assignment 1 Comparison of Two ReligionsIn this assignment, you will select two (2) religions from those studied thus far in the course (i.e., Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism), Next, compare and contrast them based on the criteria provided. Note: The two (2) religions you selected cannot be any that you practice now, or have practiced in the past.Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:1. Select two (2) religions from those that we have studied so far, Identify the origin of each religion, and discuss at least three (3) of its foundational spiritual beliefs.2. Explain how these beliefs that you have identified for each of the two (2) religions are both similar and different.
REL 212 WEEK 4 Assignment 1 Comparison of Two Religions