The Treatment Improvement Protocol 35 is very important for anyone dealing with interventions to drug addicts. After going through the whole module, there are concepts I liked and, on the other hand, there are those that I was not very sure about their applicability. To start with, this module has brought an integrated treatment approach to the clients of drug abuse. It encourages approaching this issue from an empathetic perspective. This, according to me, is the strongest point about the module. It allows both the counsellor and the counselee to be involved in the process of change. This brings very many benefits with it, because the client is made to understand why change is important. When they understand why change is important and approach it from an individual perspective, they are likely to realize results, and maintain them. Again, the counsellor plays an active role in the process. They are always with the client to support them at every step of the change process. This modifies the other strong point of this module, in that it presents change in steps, and allows maturity in a particular stage before going to the next. The issue of motivation is of particular importance in the process of change as presented in this module. The module introduces guidelines of bringing about both, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I am considering this aspect being very important because it enables the client to maintain the change in their future.
On the other hand, there are some aspects of the module I did not like. The module has so much emphasized the aspect of involvement of the clinician. The module also recognizes that some aspects of change are biological, and spiritual. It is not very clear how the clinician will be able to influence the biological aspect of change. Going by this, the objective of change may fail. Again, if the client is of a different spiritual orientation with the clinician, the spiritual aspect of change may not be very effective. When the biological and the spiritual aspects combine in such a case, the results may not be realized. Going be these, my question about the module is: How can clinicians influence the biological component of change in an addict.
Reflection 2: Chapter Four to Seven:
The reading in chapters four to seven equipped skills in me to a great extent. I can refer to these chapters as the core chapters of the module. The systematic manner in which they explain the process of change from the pre-contemplation period to the maintenance period is likeable by any reader who may read this module. I have liked this because they prepare a clinician even to assess the stage, and the type of client they have, so that they can know how to intervene. The factual content presented in these chapters is based on research, and it is presented in very understandable language. I have particularly liked the bit on assessing the client’s motivation, and devising mechanisms to change this motivation from extrinsic to intrinsic. I have also liked the bit on bestowing the responsibility of change to the affected individual, and supporting them, as they go through the process. This is because, when the individual own the initiative, it will be long-lasting, whereas if they are coerced to change, it will not last for long. The aspect of following clients to monitor their progress after the change is commendable. I view this as a very good initiative for making sure that the efforts bear fruits.
However, the aspect of involvement of the clinician is much emphasized. I consider it a bit hard for clinicians to attend to a reasonable number of clients, if the process is followed ideally. My question then is: What percentage of addicts can clinicians attend to in a year, if they ideally follow the process outlined in the module?
US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. (1999). TIP 35: Enhancing motivation for change in substance abuse treatment: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series 35. New York, NY: Author.